
This just upsets me to no end... I hate trophy hunters, and my father (a veterinarian, no less) is one. He actually *knows* how I feel about it and decided during my last phone call to throw in my face that his next hunt is to kill a leopard (I love cats, including large ones) and that I “just have to deal with it.”

I agree with this, actually! A lot of people who identify as “travelers” tend to come off a little smug and condescending to other people (also, if you’re not a resident of the place you’re in, you’re a tourist. It’s not a bad word.). Travel is not a magical panacea that will make you better, more interesting, or more

Can I throw in an addendum that says you can’t say you “lived”somewhere for 3 months? I don’t know what the cut off should be, but if you were on a tourist visa you probably didn’t live there. I have heard people say they “lived” in Spain for 3 weeks! 3 weeks! You were on vacation! Just say you went on vacation! Ok,

I feel this. I’ve never had the money to travel, even though I would love to, and now that I have dogs my husband and I can’t just pick up and go away for 3 weeks at a time, I don’t even have that much PTO in a year, and my family lives far away as it is.

Of course this was a guy from Long Island. I don’t know why I thought it was an out of town tourist.

Well, this one is fine I guess. I just feel most of his clothes look really stuffy and too put together. He’s like, 2 years old! He doesn’t need to be in perfectly matched and ironed clothes all the time! I get they are “royals” and need to put on a good image but they do try and act down to earth, so I would expect

Now THAT’S a flag burn.

Dear butthurt SC racists,

Haley defended the flag last year by saying CEOs don’t mind it and the state isn’t losing business because of it.

I’m happy the flag may be coming down. I’m angry and disgusted that it took the unneccesary death of 9 innocent people for something that should have happened years ago to finally possibly maybe occur.


Hey there stepdad - I need to tell you that a girl/woman who gets involved with an abuser has not made some sort of “bad relationship decision”. Most abusers are friendly, charming, attentive at the beginning of the relationship - and their abusive behaviour begins and slowly escalates. The dynamic between an abuser

i saw both bands in 2013 and it was the best/worst thing i’ve ever done

I’ve grown up with both metric and American (do we still call it Imperial?) and guess what? It’s not rocket science. 60F = 15C; 1 kilo = 2.2 lbs; 1 mile = 1.6 km. Once you figure out the simple arithmetic, you can even start to “feel” the measurements without actually doing math! *gasp* Yes, it’s true. I know that

Being from Texas, I feel your pain. The disdain for any place other than New York or California is out of control around here.

Isn’t this that movie with the white chick playing an Asian woman in a Hawaii that is almost entirely white? Pass

Who the hell allows a 65 year old woman to undergo IVF? Totally out of control. Adopt, people, adopt.

I loathe people who keep exotic animals as pets. I’m not even apologizing for the size of this picture!