
@MaxxSlaxx: I agree. It might not be consistent with what we've seen before, but I think this use of time travel is much, much more interesting. And the very nature of the show kind of allows you to make things up as you go along.

So what's in a Kraken bomb (from the first commercial)? I can't imagine mixing rum with Red Bull, which is in the only other "bomb" I know (Jager bomb).

@Therru: Well, obviously it's better that they do whatever helps the cubs survive. I was just wondering if cheetahs are animals that have a close family relationship - even if it means the cub survived when it otherwise would have died, I still think it's sad for the mother to lose her baby.

@Ben Babcock: Oh man. Didn't you see this on io9 a few weeks ago?

@t3knomanser: I think that's part of it. In "Vincent and the Doctor" there's that scene where he's whining, "Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly, in the right order?"

@Ben Babcock: Oh yeah! I was just thinking of him popping in and out of Kazran's life ("See you in a minute... I mean, next year.") and forgot about the places they went.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this guy never actually gets laid.

@Lynx: Wikipedia is actually more reliable than people think. Inaccurate information usually gets removed or corrected because so many different people use it. You just have to check the source for the piece of information you want to use. If there's no source, it's no good, but most things on Wikipedia have proper

@The captain of my heart: Yes! I thought it was dull then when I was being forced to read The Federalist Papers and speeches given by various politicians, but in retrospect those things gave me a much better understanding of history as more than a bunch of dates that you have to memorize.

@spooki: This was basically my experience taking US history courses in college, too. It's fucking appalling how many half-truths and lies we're taught in school.

The book's author, Joy Masoff, said at the time that she found references to it during research on the Internet.

Well, in the Christmas special, the TARDIS was staying in the same place and the Doctor was just traveling through time, so maybe that made it easier to be more accurate.

@MrTripps: Yeah. And when she pilots the TARDIS, he asks where "the noise" is and she says it's not supposed to make that noise. I think she also lands it without crashing or sending everybody inside flying about.

So eating a tablespoon of semen is like that Willy Wonka gum that contains a three-course meal?

So they took the baby from the first mother and gave it to the second mother? Does that not affect the first mother? A lot of animals would be pretty pissed off if you took their newborn baby.

@Capt.Snarky: Although naked Sam Huntington up there doesn't hurt, either.

@sollipse: Ha! And naturally, your favorite tie is a bowtie, yes?

@sollipse: A really endearing fungus that you want to cuddle?