@CondoleezaRicin: If that was the case, I'd think they would put "formerly Skin Tone" or something. And you can see that it's the same color. I think that's pretty unlikely.
@CondoleezaRicin: If that was the case, I'd think they would put "formerly Skin Tone" or something. And you can see that it's the same color. I think that's pretty unlikely.
@Zulkey: I did earlier today, and while I love my MIL, she drives me nuts coming into our apartment and cleaning and rearranging things.
@so5minutesago: Ah, Captain Jack. I have just started season one of Torchwood and I am in loooove.
Isn't there an old Great Depression story about people hunting and eating the squirrels in Central Park? I just wonder if people are really doing it or if the story is just recirculating because we're in hard times.
@LionAndUnicorn is Rosie Retrospection: Loved. It. I'm a sucker for when Dexter gets all emotional, so when he told Astor he loved her I got a little misty. And when he beat the crap out of her friend's dad, I cheered.
@ElphabaSkywalker: Oh, I meant at the end of HBP. In the books Snape seems really unhinged and angry during the scene where he and Malfoy are leaving the school grounds and Harry is chasing them, yelling at Snape to fight and calling him a coward. But in the movie Snape's all chill and it's just really weird. Why not…
@i'm going to have my friends call me valerie: Oh, I see. I kind of feel weird drinking in front of my parents, but not in front of BoyBookling's parents because they have always been pretty open about drinking.
@i'm going to have my friends call me valerie: Are you underage, or do you just feel weird drinking their booze?
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: I always pictured Murph as Clea Duvall. I could see an older VMars, too.
@ElphabaSkywalker: Again, I actually like Radcliffe and the other kids, but I do agree that some of the older actors are criminally underused. For instance, you have ALAN FUCKING RICKMAN and you're going to skip his awesome "DON'T CALL ME COWARD" scene at the end of DH? Really? You have Dame Maggie Smith but you just…
@ElphabaSkywalker: They really fucked themselves over by starting the movies before the books were completed. They have to throw in Dobby's death (to calm fans and because it is somewhat important to the plot) but the movies have not created Dobby as a character.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: I should just move to Canada. Retail up there sounds nicer.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: Actually, I could almost see him working? Based on the work he's done on Supernatural, he could maybe pull it off. Fillian and Barrowman definitely have the right demeanor and comic timing for it, though, despite being short.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: I agree, really really not Harry Dresden. I could totally see Nathan Fillion or John Barrowman as Harry, though. They just changed so much about the show that you could hardly even call it "based on the book series".
@SarsDoesn'tSave: I LOVE DOING THAT. You just roast the whole bulb and then get gooey garlic to spread everywhere. OM NOM NOM.
@ElphabaSkywalker: Don't worry, they're just saving all the Alan Rickman for part two.
@Dauphine Who Must Not Be Named: Oh yes. Are you across the pond? (Since you called it Boxing Day.) We couldn't get away with saying, "Oh, sorry, we don't do returns today." I think people would riot.
@sarasasa: Oh god, Gran Torino was the saddest.
@unicorns, not centaurs: Oh my god, how sad is it that I recognize the H&M tag? I can spot H&M clothes anywhere after working there for two years.