
@lobstr: I would if I still had it, but I threw it away long ago. It was an actual letter, sent through the postal service, not an email. Luckily I don't think he knows our new address.

@bookwench: That reminds me of the episode of Friends where Ross dates the messy girl and finds lunch meat in her couch when they're making out.

@jenesequa: Yeah, something was going on with him but we'd exhausted our resources. We tried to be supportive and tried to get him help, but he refused therapy and meds and then continued to alienate everyone around him. We just had to wash our hands of him at that point.

BoyBookling and I used to live with one of our best friends from high school. He was a little weird, he fancied himself a hippie and liked to smoke pot, but we thought it would be great. Instead, a year or so into things, he started acting really manic: he would spend a whole weekend holed up in his room stoned and

@JenniBean: Oh god, can you get out? That is horrendous.

@Vundal: Of course humor is allowed, it just didn't come across. I thought you were being pedantic.

@Jetgirly: Dude, use those sick days then! I have a problem where I stockpile my sick time and then continue to come in because I'm "not that sick". I end up getting sent home or forcing myself to use it when I really am "that sick".

@alphaginger: I went with friends to a TERRIFYING HAUNTED GRAVEYARD at a local amusement park. It took 45 minutes to walk through, there were rooms that were completely dark or full of disorienting strobe lights and people jumping out at you, and one of those round tunnels where the lights spin around the walls and it

@Jetgirly: Probably not. But if you get paid sick time, I'd say you deserve to use that time however you want without feeling guilty about it.

@aliasmisskat is a glue gun goddess: Hmm, maybe. Although I tend to think that what happened to Prim would make Katniss even more hesitant to have children. I know it was fifteen years down the line, but the epilogue just felt abrupt to me, and this is coming from someone who loved the HP epilogue. Maybe because Harry

@pizza_pizza_tata: I think the idea was supposed to be that since there are no more Games, Katniss is alright with getting married and having kids. But I agree, I was disappointed because it was nice to have a heroine who doesn't want the happily-ever-after, marriage, babies thing. I think my problem is more that the

@anteup lost her pizazz: Thanks! I wasn't sure if they'd do one on Halloween or not. *scurries off to download*

@Vundal: ...really? "A" vs. "the" and you're going to correct it?