
I couldn't even laugh at first, I was too shocked that they did it in such gruesome detail.

Apparently Woodhouse is coming back in Season 7 - someone else posted a link later on in the comments.

It was the 'deep-in-concentration stage director closely watching a scene unfold' stare, and it was so surprising I almost choked with laughter.

Don't forget about the long pause where we all thought Archer was going to kill the former Billy Batson

Ha, 5 bucks that that's somehow the last line of the season.

I don't think they'd actually kill Lana, but it would be interesting (god, I'm a monster) if Lana was injured in the finale. The only time Archer's had to deal with Lana being injured was in the third part of "Heart of Archness," when it wasn't too serious of an injury. Now that Lana's the mother of his child and his

Well, except that in the Season 4 episode "Wind Cries Mary" they note how no other agents (or even other people) work there anymore.

I'm 75% sure the cap was on and she was just sucking on it…

But Hitler had black hair and blue eyes, while Krieger has brown hair and green eyes…

Maybe Krieger always makes robot hands in pairs, so he used the one he had leftover from helping Conway? Haha.

Can we talk about Archer's facial expressions this season? Half the time I'm watching these episodes I'm distracted by how much emotion the animators are conveying just through his eyes… Helped by how many new emotions we've seen from Archer/how much more open Archer's become in expressing negative emotions.

I've got to admit, Lana's expression when she's genuinely happy is made even greater by how rare we see it. It can make a scene hotter (here) or sweeter (House Call, Arrival/Departures) to see Lana smiling without sarcasm.

Thanks for checking! (And no need to apologize - now I can go right back to being on the fence about the Krieger-clone issue.) I think I was having such a 'frogly' flashback my mind interposed his image onto it. (Also - apparently missed that he was wearing a shirt, haha).

Could someone with a PVR look back at the episode and pause when the gang in Krieger's van first get stuck in Brownsville and there's a split second shot of the van from an alley with someone in their underwear running by? 'Cause he, uh… looked familiar…

Are you kidding? What about the kiss that deserved a title reference, and inspired… probably a couple of shippers, at least: Ramon Limon! ;)

I know I'm super late to the party, but I still wanted to put it out there that while Lana's actions this episode were dickish, it wasn't out of character for her to be hypocritical and overly harsh of Archer. She's a flawed and often terrible person - just like everyone else on the show - even if she takes the role

I generally liked the episode, but I agree with all of the points you made for what was missing.

I actually think it makes sense that Pam and Cyril aren't field agents anymore - the CIA wouldn't have accepted them as agents based on their standards and Mallory doesn't need to worry about having more field agents for missions because they aren't an independent (and illegal) organization anymore - if a mission

Yes! Archer was clearly annoyed with Ray about the whole button thing (which he's probably been doing over and over again off screen). Plus when they realized they were stuck Archer immediately blamed Ray and _smirked_ when he said it (at about the 2:20 mark). Your speculation that he programmed the elevator to get