
I think it could be less about him being a monster than it being about him lying to her about just how much of a monster he's been/hiding his "true" self (I could see Elena being all wounded about him lying, regardless of her own transgressions).

Considering my biggest pet peeve with this show for the past year and a half is Elena (the LEAD character yet the most annoying characterization on the show since she turned), I'm actually looking forward to her dumping Damon and then realizing she doesn't have Stefan to go back to and perhaps experiencing some

I think we're supposed to believe that he was so drained from the lack of blood for the last year that he couldn't really do much but stand there in a fog until he realizes Damon is about to leave him.


That's brilliant. I hope it's something as awesome and complex as that.

I think there's more coming to the whole dual doppleganger thing. My guess is there's a Silas/original Katherine/Elena (pre-Petrova) thing that will mirror itself in Stefan/Elena and create further triangle issues because it'll seem like Stefan and Elena are either 1-meant to be together from centuries of history OR 2