
The Whole Nine Yards was so enjoyable, just a fun movie, a bit tragic to reflect on right now with Michael and Matthew dead and Bruce with dementia.

John has been been a very reliable actor for quite some time now (Harold and Kumar will turn 20 next year!) while not quite being a household name.

In better AV Club days, there was a recuring joke in the reviews about this show being called Goon. Still, I think I watched nearly every episode of it, and really enjoyed it.

My point was, it’d probably be harder to find a year when there wasn’t an anti-Semitic event that over-eager people could insist was an intentional reference.

Said it before and I’ll say it again: all this series had to do to succeed and be loved was actually use its name, and make it Harry Potter Pokémon. A fun adventure film about saving magical animals from some Potter Cruella D’Evil. Low bar sure, but a damn sight more enticing to audiences than the muddled prequel

Yeah, the man is a fucking god when it comes to film, no doubt, but surely even he realizes that the theater model as we know it is going away, so if he wants people to watch his fucking four hour epic then maybe bend for the theaters just a bit.  Especially considering has last four hour epic came straight to

Eh, I have all the respect in the world for the man and his films, but Scorsese can fuck himself on this one. Build in a goddamn intermission. If every scene of your film is so important that it has be 3.5 hours long, then your choice is either building in an intermission or expecting theatergoers to miss several

“People say it’s three hours, but come on, you can sit in front of the TV and watch something for five hours. Also, there are many people who watch theatre for 3.5 hours. There are real actors on stage, you can’t get up and walk around. You give it that respect, give cinema some respect.”

Really weird not to mention what a good episode this ended up being for Capt. Freeman, here using Starfleet’s reputation as a means to smuggle out the information on Locarno they wanted; the Puppet scene and the Billups reveal were both great moments that added enough levity to balance out Mariner’s soul-searching.

season three’s similarly frustrating arc for its heroes

Locarno is the season’s big bad?? Really? Do you think they got to this episode and were like, oh that’d be cool, or planned it from the beginning.

“Way to waste bones” was a great line, especially after Mariner’s encounter with the Moopsy. Bones have a lot of nutritional value, don’t just toss them, you dumb moss!

I quite liked this one. It was sweet, sure its not going to be on the top of my rewatch list but Cave episodes rarely are

Yeah, I have a hard time envisioning it, but Hugh Jackman is a total musical theater dork like 90% of the time, so I would absolutely give him a lot of leeway. Plus, I’ve been pretty impressed with the atypical moves he’s made careerwise post-Potter. If he feels like he can do it and Marvel agrees, then I would be

You realize his name has been tossed around for several years as a possible Wolverine replacement, right? This isn’t new, and acting like it’s just astounding anyone would think of him is just kinda, well, dumb? “He was Harry Potter!” Wildly, people can play different roles as adults than they did as kids, and as

Not to mention building up that point and making it seem like it’s the media’s fault just to end with this line—“The Smiths may be too evolved to care what the rest of us think—though clearly they’ll continue to share their thoughts with us, regardless.”—making clear the media and people dissect their thoughts and

“Every word they say about each other is made into its own headline, pulled apart and dissected until it becomes incomprehensible, like staring at a painting too long until it becomes a blur of colors instead of a picture.”

I mean, given the climax that S3 built to, I’m sure something utterly insane will happen, probably involving smashing an asteroid into Earth, at a guess.

Congrats to whomever it was that suggested to me the other week that the unknown ship was actually stealing the vessels and not destroying them after I was sad the Klingon LDs appeared to be dead. Great theory!

I mean, at this point he’s merely Papa Joe, and hopefully not pretending to be bedridden yet.