
Nice rundown of the issue.

well said, tho breach loaded canons were well in use in the 2. Slesvigian War in 1864 between Denmark and Prussia, primary by the Germans but also a bit by the Danes , big things tho.

The military have also been suffering relative heavy losses after a fairly long peaceful period, its not in their nature to trust the Kurds but they might be more partial to a political solution with those operating with parliamentarian methods , as far I read they definitely dont want a expansion of the conflict at

Quite likely to be true given the history, but I have heards reports about the military not being fond of spending time on the Kurds right now, plus the Kurds made the “mistake” of beeing the anti Erdogan party in their area, so the Kurdish short term interest may lie in a Kemalist coup.

You are aware “The West” got plenty of deals with Erdogan, that really isnt fantastic for the democracy there? the denouncement would come any way.

This is plague and cholera situation, but strictly speaking you tend to have a better chance with cholera or in this case with the Turkish military.

East Germany and most of the warsaw pact had continued elections as do North Korea and Belarus, democracy needs more than that, things like a free press and representation less and less of that in Turkey these days


I see now I forgot an important “not” there

I was mostly meaning Merkel as a leader of the EU christian-democrati block , Erdogan looked like he could start something similar in the Turkish and Middle east area at a point, good reforms, calming down the tensions with the classic enemies and being a good example, then he became Tyrkish Putin

Problem is we were not exactly seeing Turkey slide toward democracy with the latest changes, are there even any indy media left there?

Im entirely sure this will hurt their chances to get in

As a European leftwinger Im exstremely conflicted about this, on one hand the democratic tendencies of the Turkish military is overestimated, on the other I firmly believe Erdogans authoritarian tendencies is underestimated.

Would guess its a demand from the insurance companies and the clubs

I have no idea, I know Denmark threw in a relative mere 2 billion Dkr 300-400 million dollars*, I would guess the Brits and Italians who really want the vstol and/or carrier version of the plane have invested much much more.

there is a difference between operating 30 out of 40 fighters and only have 27 fighters, its one of the reasons our relative few technicians can keep the planes in the air, as far I understand atleast. That and they are quite good at working in small teams

not that is officially , but relations to USA was mentioned more that stealth properties

Denmark and a whole host of other countries threw in some dough aswell, which have led some (I swear to god) politicians and officials to say that if we didnt chose the f-35 those money would have been lost

It was more or less expected that unless the JSFs spontanious combusted in in a cloud of peanut butter the Royal Danish Airforce would have gone for them from the start, sometimes I dont think they have revised any specs for that plane the last 15 years.

“To not offend anyone ... or fictional civs like NCR from fallout or Denmark from the historychannel series Vikings”