Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! No, but seriously I just want to say, HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! Socialists are so adorable, what with their fantasy world dreams. Socialism is funny.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! No, but seriously I just want to say, HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! Socialists are so adorable, what with their fantasy world dreams. Socialism is funny.
Oregon’s uniforms for this weekend: Best ever? I think so.
I’m sorry, I must have missed it, in this, and previous writings of yours, but which white people are guilty and responsible for all of the injustice and travesties? Thanks for clarifying.
Ah yes, the young, clueless and impressionable youth of America. Would love to hear them articulate the “injustices” they’re demonstrating about. If NFL players are kneeling during the anthem, it MUST be a worthy and infallible argument. Sheep.
Ted Kaczynski was released and now plays baseball?
Warheads logo.....with a rad beard.
I think he grew tired of being the HC of the second most popular professional sports team in Orlando. Orlando City FC is the deal.