

Alas, it was a dongless performance.

I saw 2020 Dildo Technology open for My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult in 1994.

To be fair, their hash browns ARE pretty damn tasty. 

Her smile creeped the hell out of me.


A sweet bonus if she gets fired is that if she lives there, which I’m guessing she does, she’ll either have a BIG rent increase, or she’ll have to start paying rent full stop. 😈😈😈😈😈

Because their whiteness—specifically, the belief that the status whiteness grants them is diminishing—supersedes all else.”

I didn’t know about the charges against McDermott until now. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️

I am magnanimous. Pazzy, on the other hand . . .

And Lee J. Cobb is just wonderful as the melancholic Lt. Kinderman.

How dare you call Pazuzu “lesser”? 😉😉😉😉😉

I don’t know that it really matters, since this is an op-ed piece and not some scholarly article. But the spirit possessing Regan isn’t Satan/the Devil. It’s a Mesopotamian wind demon named Pazuzu. It does make me wonder how closely you’ve paid attention to the movie.

Why isn’t Tom Cotton in prison for working with the Israeli government to try to block President Obama’s work on the Iran Nuclear deal? When I was a little one, we called that “treason.”

That top photo is chilling. I know that we’re not supposed to fat shame anyone. But when I look at that photo, all I can think of is Jabba the Hutt licking his lips at Princess Leia.

Have you SEEN her “apology” posts? And the responses? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I loved the Halloween one where Brian dressed has half man— half woman.

God. If only it would only kill the assholes in the south. That would make me go to church once it’s safe to do so. 

Is it just me, or are there JFK, Trump, Clinton, and Reagan figures there?

No. Come on. GTFO. This is from “The Onion,” right?