
Can anyone tell me why Pete Davidson is a thing?

The first thing I thought, when I sat the top photo of Kim, was this guy,

I could have sworn that that was Frances McDormand. 


Is it wrong that the “huge free buffet” is what caught my eye the most?

Thanks for the fun article!

Often, older black people are nostalgic for times that many others wouldn’t consider good. But when you’re conditioned in the trauma of the black experience, survival becomes a standard for good or bad.”

Here’s your answer. 😀😀😀😀😀

I’m completely confused here. Was the story a spoof? Am I just too out of touch with pop culture to get what was going on? Is the author honestly criticizing the person for dating a cop? I’m baffled. 

The Diadochi fight over it until it’s taken piecemeal and eventually dissolves. 

Oop! Ack!

Thanks for responding! So, like “THX-1138” or “Brave New World”?

I’m not familiar with the idea of a “gilded future”? I looked it up, but couldn’t find anything. Is it akin to Neal Stephenson’s “The Diamond Age”?


Still not used to music from my sophomore year of college being labeled “old school.” 😀😀😀😀😀

Every few months I’ll torture myself by looking at the photo of the little boy touching Obama’s hair. I’ll think about all the meaning packed into that photo. Then I’ll think about who’s currently in the Oval Office. Then I’ll resist the urge to gargle lye.

A typically ignorant and prejudiced article from Jezebel.

Do you smell toast? Can you see music? I think that you’re having a stroke. Call 911, then stick an aspirin under your tongue.

Stick to political and cultural commentary, you jamoke!