Absolutely correct!!!
Absolutely correct!!!
What did the sun ever do to you?
You’re new to the planet, aren’t you?
This is my own bias. Pereira lost me years ago when he made some bullshit comment about “god, country, team.” Guh.
“It appeared that Davis yanked on Samuel’s face mask as Samuel was driving back to the ball, and that’s what was called on the field. But no, the replay official then called for a review of the play, once again to determine whether the contact constituted pass interference.”
I guess I’m old fashioned. I don’t like people who toss out pedophilia accusations because someone said something critical about them.
The worst cheap beer is the “BEER” sold in either white or yellow cans.
What the fuck is with the two of you discussing this calmly and politely?
Those can’t be the names of real towns. LOL
This should have SO many more stars!
I was having a shitty day. This made my day much better. Thank you.
I think that this story, more than any other, will encapsulate for me the sociopathy of Trump from now on.
He’s saying that he drew many guys with girlfriends to play the game. He wasn’t bragging about having many girlfriends.
Don’t forget the Moebius ring of roads surrounding the city, and the endless number of strip malls. Strip malls everywhere. Strip malls as far as the eye can see.
It's almost -- almost -- too hard to believe that this is real.
30 to 50 feral hogs.