
You're correct. But not, I suspect, in the way that you think you are. 

Any more red, and he'll have to be infrared. 

Anyone know who the pulchritudinous young woman is in the rollercoaster with the stoned Lt. Governor?

What is this from?????

The world of tea parties and dresses and endless hours spent reading books was familiar to me, but boys? What would we do together? Would it be rough housing and fart jokes and stinky little boy feet? Would I fit in in the world of boys?”

It can’t be good for one’s health to want to beat a guy’s ass so badly that you end up barfing.”

GodDAMN. I thought that Bryan's was going to be the darkest fan post. But then we end with Sam. Hoo whee!

I would have bet money that these were photos of his statue at Madame Tussaud’s. He does not look . . . organic here.

I was born in 1968. I started “following” the Bears around 1975. My dad never cared about pro football, but he rooted for the Bears because he liked Walter Payton. I continued to be a fan until about four years ago. I could no longer make the moral legerdemain necessary to separate the NFL’s shittiness and my

“If you look at all his products, they are all things useful for space travel and colonization.”

More like future-nutjob, amirite?

Just last month, for example, I had a lovely, quick journey on Denver International Airport’s driverless people mover, which opened in 1995.”


Kudos to the Giants fans for some truly entertaining posts!

I hate Trump more almost every day. But when he goes after Mr. Cummings, I almost literally choke on my hatred it’s so deep.

A cogent, well-written comment, AND a Neal Stephenson fan?

This is a thoughtful, heartfelt, and sober response.

The only thing that “camo dude” on the left is intercepting is a box of donuts.

Barry Sanders is the best running back I’ve ever seen.

You magnificent bastard.