I’m just a little amazed that a 73 year old is doing cocaine.
I’m just a little amazed that a 73 year old is doing cocaine.
Officer Nic Abts-Olsen
As far as I know. We take no responsibility if Amazon bans your account though.
As far as I know. We take no responsibility if Amazon bans your account though.
Look at the good he did for The Game Of Basketball. Before Kobe, Basketball was boring and useless. I remember watching games as a kid and crying from boredom. The players would just walk on the court and shake hands for 48 minutes while the coaches deflated as many basketballs as they could with crude knives. Unreal.…
This piece was so villainous. I’ll be sure to check in tomorrow for Drew’s heroic counterpoint.
The funniest thing about Kobe Bryant’s retirement “announcement” yesterday is that Kobe Bryant was clearly the last…
“I mean, geez, it’s not like anyone gave a shit about the genocide of the Native Americans while it was happening. Why should we care now?” -you
I’m sorry that your world is crashing down. At least you can still be racist on the Internet and in the comfort of your own mind.
The Redskins wishing anyone a Happy Thanksgiving is like Jason Pierre Paul giving free piano lessons...
And to you. In fact I’ve got a few blankets that I’d love to give Dan Snyder.
Step 1: Preheat Oven to 325 degrees
“THANK YOU. Finally, somebody gets it!” - Jane Rosenberg
If I’m Urban Meyer, Zeke Elliot never plays another snap for Ohio State.
Last week, Deadspin published a transcript of Greg Hardy’s NFL hearing, wherein a panel of NFL representatives…
In a lot of situations a flat head will work on a philips. Especially if the head just sits below enough. It’s not ideal but in an emergency just use care and take it slow.
Yes, but how do you know if you're going to need the flat belt or the Phillips belt?
The identity of the woman who perfectly expressed a sane person’s reaction to being at a Donald Trump rally by whippi…
Yeah Trump is an awful person, but also: he's going to bomb so hard. I have 0% desire to watch tonight's episode.
Number of words devoted to this on ESPN (that I can see, at least): Zero. You’d think this would be, y’know, kind of important for a news organization covering college football...