Book Aki

Was gonna say maybe they will also feel this false sense of security around election times, but I am guessing (if still in office) the golden shower guy will probably start all the BS about how there will be voter fraud again and so on.

OMG! My dude!!!! Bow down

Think there’s any chance he’ll blame Obama for stuff collapsing? Nah, no way.

I am nicknamed after bukake- that is teamwork AND productivity personified. The efforts are not completely futile.

I’m sorry, I will just focus on one aspect of a comment to make a judgemenet about the person’s entire existence. What should I do next to be perfect?

Where do I say that? Are you a russian troll? че за хуйня?

youguys, i’ve experienced this before- had a really nice boss quit and he was replaced by a dbag one and the results were not shocking at all...

Yes, I absolutely said that.

I know it’s a hot take to say his electorate won’t give a fuck, but can i just crowbar this in?
“his ellectorate? You mean the people who have these stickers on their trucks?”

why not both?

The momentum from G Dubbs being discredited didn’t help ‘06 election and then also painting McCain as McSame?
But yeah, let’s take the high road and wait till Donnie Pissflaps announces that he will be appointing governors from now on and also no term limits.

The guy replying to him has 3k ready to wire, yet can’t google a phrase from the email to see that it’s been used a billion times??? Prolly was born into those sweet thousands of dollars...

I still get douchechills when I remember a football player, who had multiple DUIs in high school, say that his takeaway from the “fuzzy math” Bush-Gore debate was that Gore is a stiff and that Bush seems more loose- looks like that’s the demographic Trump came and seduced.

You think the dumb-dumb stuff is not calculated (talking about both)?

Assuming they are nerds with unkempt pubes, so no


Tough. I can’t look any less dank than this

But is it not because they are more likely to be sexually active and/or open to new partners?

As Bernie Sanders reminded us in this excellent interview with Matt Taibbi, many Trump voters supported their man not out of overt white supremacy or xenophobia, but utter desperation for change

I wanna see like 10 buckets of diarrhea dumped on him for a genuine reaction. Why are my wants less important than his pursuit of perfect film?