
OT... But thank you Jason for making my in pain, grumpy ass smile on who won the week on Joy.

If you are involved in this than thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Not joking, serious. You are an unsung hero, and if that race had been free and fair Stacy Abrams would have won. She may already have.

You write beautifully, even on ugly topics. Very evocative, which of course it should be.

Thank you. The truth is neccesary because the GOP uses all those comforting lies to their ends.

It's being discussed on my gay blogs, with the same worries.  Shit is fucked, bad.  Around the world, Brazil just fell to another neonazi wannabe.  I'm just :|. 

Damn, living up to the nom de plum with that burn 🙂 Good. Dershowitz is a horrible person who makes bad faith arguments regularly.

Ohhh I will check that out too :)

Us gays don’t get the log cabin republicans either, they are the gay Uncle Tom whatever that would be.  Aunt Liza, or Aunt Dorothy maybe?

Yep, blexit mentions up 1100% on troll accounts.

For me no, but I’m white. I also recomend carmex over chopstick, but don’t tell those ashy looking fuckers.

We need the next generation if Dem leaders to force their way up.

Yeah, to the racists Kim is NOT white.  

Yep, she has gotten everything from Mexican to Korean.  It's kinda crazy.

This, we need to get people who don’t regularly vote to the polls, for the most part we aren’t going to change the die hard Trump fan.

Exactly. White ally, it does and the fucking idiots can’t get their head out of their asses to figure out their feelings aren’t the fucking point. The good ones can at least see what’s happening and spread the word, and need to call out our fellow whites in those uncomfortable, and sometimes dangerous, conversations.

My wife who is Native, gets the what are you look, all to often. Note we are back East far from any big Rez areas.

Thank you sir. This needs to be said. We have a modern day KKK party, because once the wing nuts took charge only some left and the rest, not matter their protestations are happy to go along for the ride so they can save on taxes or blame people who don’t look or live for their problems.

Fuck yes, sharing around and it’s at the top of Reddit.

I told one of my stories for the first time last week, and in response received a mini-flood of replies, less than 50, from other women, many of whom also hadn’t told their stories. I felt obliged to read them all and reply. This was in no way unique, and it played out in media forums and in real life across the

Awesome post, especially Mimi Rocahs point.