Thanks Chritter for all the helpful info! You rock!
Thanks Chritter for all the helpful info! You rock!
Yup, I did! Did you have the same username as well?
Pretty! I want to buy so much makeup after reading this thread. Off to watch some Pixiwoo tutorials! :)
So, I gotta say, the "new" groupthink kinda scares me. I remember the good ol' days when people would lurk in the Open Threads after hours, and then there was the dedicated groupthink area where it was, like, just a chat. But now, it's like, oh, I just want to ask a question and then BAM it could be mainpaged and then…
Dos Dos XX!
Been a thousand million years since I've commented..deleted my account way back when when there was the great hack of gawker (2009?..can't remember..) Long time lurker blah blah. Anywho, hello!