
We’ll find out in her movie, but I suspect the canon/retcon reason would be he trusted the Avengers to get the job done in Avengers and she would take too long to get back. Now, guessing that Stark shot a message to Hill with his limited info at the beginning, and the sudden wipes of so many people, he felt forced to

Im hoping this leads to “Hi, I’m Doctor Robert Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk.”

Thanos in the comics has legit fought the Hulk, Thor, and I believe Hercules at the same time, handed them their asses and was offended that any of them called themselves strong. Without the Gauntlet IIRC.

You loaded the microwave with tinfoil and set it for an hour to get that hot a take.

Bragging about being smarter traditionally hasn’t worked out so well for opponents of the Hulk.

I’d see this opening night.

Turns out if I had listened to Narcissist’s review, I’d have missed out on a really fun movie.

Nah man, the book was a fun read.

The Charm of Making from Excalibur. You know, the only good King Arthur movie ever made and best Merlin ever. So no, not generic at all.

That it didn’t fit your desires does not make it a weak ending.

Only thing that would have had me pumped harder would have been a G-damned VF-2 Valkyrie, but the Gundam has a beam saber. Also just discovered my autocorrect has Gundam in it. My hate for it just dropped 23%.

Great Green Devil Face showing up on the van. I’m sad they didn’t include the Tomb of Horrors, but I still enjoyed the hell out of RP1.

“They’re suggesting there may be some unknown factor which is beyond our findings thus far which we aren’t taking into account.”

If we’re going to have a movie named Eon, I’d rather it involve an asteroid with an infinitely long chamber inside.

You might get a hand up. Well, 20% of a hand’s digits up, anyway.

I still love that song. I can’t explain it, but there it is.

Yeah, hiring Zach Snyder was a boneheaded move from the start, just to appeal to the dork-aged edgelords who hate the iconic status of the big three DC heroes and wanted to see them as grimdark murderers instead. The actual fans stayed home in large enough numbers that the entire DCEU bar WW has been a money pit for