
brand of floating aircraft carriers”

“Who needs to Get Help *now,* Thor?”

Oh, I get it now. Your shtick is to babble nonsense at people!

That made absolutely no sense. It’s impossible to reasonably refute nonsense, because there was no reason there to begin with.

Yep. Hans Zimmer wrote a decent piece of music that just isn’t a Superman theme. That position is taken, for all time.

The original MORTAL KOMBAT was way better than it had any right to be.

Yep, I loved the Peter David run, and I liked the version of Professor Hulk we got in Endgame.

Id never have guessed you were a WoT fan /s

Damn, you don't take prisoners do you? 

The Air Force approves of only one drug in all of existence.

I was pulled out of class in high school and interviewed by a police officer because an “anonymous concerned citizen” (my girlfriend’s parents) had contacted the Chief of Police and told him my friends and I were conducting a D&D “ritual” that weekend.

I assume you put the same effort into always being perfect for your spouse? Or is it a one way street for you too? Because the Parrs work well together even when they have a bad day, and definitely understand commitment as a two-way work in continual progress.

Your initials actual stand for Clickbait Producing Machine, don’t they? Because the only difference between you and a troll is you get paid for this.

Switch to superhero novels. I highly recommend the Wearing the Cape series by Marion Harmon, and the Action Figures series by Michael C Bailey. Much better than anything Marvel or DC has put on paper (or DC on big screen) in about 30 years.

After seeing how well they’ve done The Expanse and Game of Thrones, I desperately want them to do a Night’s Dawn TV series.

I’m a middle-aged man and I squeed when her logo popped up.

I had teenage Koreans sitting next to me, they were on their cellphones and talking through much of the movie. Don’t know if that’s stereotypical or not, first time I had encountered it.

Nothing to do with the TV show. I’m referring to Peter David’s excellent run on Incredible Hulk, where Banner and Hulk were effectively merged.