Belief in the viability of solar roadways is a 100% guarantee of ignorance and magical thinking.
Belief in the viability of solar roadways is a 100% guarantee of ignorance and magical thinking.
Here’s a clue for you, because you so obviously clearly lack one: people who are drunk do stupid things, like walk out into subzero temperatures wearing nothing more than shorts and a tank top. “Responsibility” means making sure that stupid drunk person doesn’t end up hurting themselves because at that moment, they…
I regret that I have but one Star to give to your comment.
Which makes no sense to me. How is it an accomplishment to have sex with anyone you consider an inferior?
Short Answer: No.
So yes my statements are based on sound reasoning.
I need my friends to read this so they can finish books I recommend and we can talk about them. Everyone else reads too damn slow.
The only reason Star Wars is being watched to record breaking numbers here in the US is because the sheer amount of advertising for this movie in America is madness.
Nope, I can make actual constructive criticism even of something I dislike. I’m not a hipster like you.
What people are saying: “it’s the best Star Wars in 30 years!”
“You’re drunk and shouldn’t drive. The weather sucks, so there’s no cabs. You should stay here.”
Shhh. . they’re riding the negative bandwagon and don’t want to think about the trip.
I’ve been out of watching most anime for a while, but I did see and really liked Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri.
This is what happens when states are allowed to legislate every step of a completely legal procedure.
Well, this takes number 4 on my “Will See” list for next year, after CA:CW, SW:R1, and Dr Strange.
Based on the evidence, I’m fairly certain Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, He did, however, explicitly endorse it after the fact, which historically is equivalent to a declaration of war in and of itself.
Go back and watch the video. President Clinton wasn’t speculating.
Someone else posted a video of Clinton and his people speaking of Saddam’s WMDs in 1998. Unless “Cheney’s secret intelligence unit” also had a time machine, it appears another of your claims comes pre-debunked.
Well yes, we didn’t let the Nazi Party stay in power in Germany either, for similar reasons.