
The research was done by a respected criminologist with no prior biases, unlike pretty much every gun-controller statistic. Sorry, but the facts aren’t on your side.

You have to include the other side of the coin. There are roughly 10,000 gun-related homicides in the U.S. per year, and declining. There are roughly 2,000,000 defensive uses of a gun per year. So you aren’t advocating for less murder, you are advocating for more, in addition to more robberies, rapes, assaults, etc.

Commonly misunderstood reference, originally dating back to All In The Family, where Archie Bunker tried to claim he wasn’t racist because he had a lot of black friends. Except each of his “friends” was either an employee or a service worker that was pretty much required to just nod their head and agree with him.

Nah, just seems to knock them out of the air.

nudge nudge wink wink say no more

I’ve tried wasabi ice cream. It was. . . different.

“Oh look, a whole group of butterflies and moths! FUS RO DAH!” *collect* *collect* *collect*

Henderson is okay for webcomics and the like, which isn’t a knock, there are some fantastic webcomics out there. But it doesn’t have the right look or feel for the big publishers.

That’s usually a good way to lose both the argument and the job.

Just don’t hose yourself down with it. It smells okay if you just use a little spritz, but godawful when you use half the can.

Yeah, the character was, quite reasonably, left with a crappy choice. Either run around the jungle in heels, or barefoot.

The problem is China is grabbing waters that are used for international trade by a great number of countries that aren’t China, including many in the region.

It was essentially milky caramel soup at that point.

I watched a bunch of “crazy ppl” horror movies yesterday and was pretty darn impressed with Pontypool, I’d definitely recommended that to everyone.

Ranch is good if you’re in the mood for some redneck cuisine.

Either is acceptable in a pinch, but yes, blue cheese is far superior with wings.

Well, China has been behaving aggressively towards Japan and much of Southeast Asia, along with military posturing directly aimed at the U.S., plus there’s still North Korea. Venezuela has long had expansionist desires on some of its neighbors as well, and is currently very friendly with Russia. It’s unlikely, but

As soon as I saw the headline my thought was “the Swiss Guard.”

A little bit of real crab meat blended with certain more bland types of fish does make the whole thing taste a lot like real crab meat. Not what you want if you’re going for a good crab dinner, but for a pasta salad with crab it works pretty well.