
Yeah, I was quoting him to make a point about it, and then was looking for the "well there it is, the dumbest thing I'll read on the internet today" pic, and hit cancel by accident.

I used to read Wapsi Square, really enjoyed it but it started seeming a little incoherent. I have to admit, the practically Kevlar bra she tried out in one comic was one of the first things to come to mind.

There'd probably be a lot of volunteers to demonstrate that one to him. . .

then your experience is wrong.

I can't even imagine how aggravating that could be, and then add the annoyance of the low-empathy fetish monkeys. . . geez.

I have nothing bad to say about either of them! Small gestures like these add up, particularly when neither of them have done anything negative at all to offset them.

Trying to set off the fumes?


I just watched Avengers again today. I am so ready to see Age of Ultron!

I want that simulation to run a game of Traveller and recreate the Zhodani core expeditions with it.

Well obviously he thought he was hanging out with her elder aces on a busy tarp, and didn't see anything wrong with that.

I completely lost the ability to breath after reading that, it's been a while since I've laughed myself purple! Bravo!

Sounds like you're actually in the same boat as those "good white people." When you're dealing with individuals, it's easy to overlook categories as you know them as a person. But extending that out to a broad group, only distinguished in a way that means nothing to individual character or personality, is far harder.

Wasn't that a scene in an 80's teen sex comedy, like Sixteen Candles or one like it? I recall a scene with the car bouncing, a guy talking constantly, and the girl saying something like "if you'll shut up for a minute I'll cum."

Pretty sure you're making Al Gore cry.

Most human beings find these actions reprehensible, along with those of their families protecting them from punishment. Hopefully someone higher up in NZ takes action.

Dead Money takes some getting used to. I absolutely hated it on my first play-through, but my current one (I was bored, and decided to try out F:NV again) it was much more fun. Until towards the end, the hologram/emitter security crap was starting to get on my nerves. But Old World Blues was absolutely the best, so

I think the message that a woman being hurt or killed is worse than a man (which is what is happening when a game uses it to cheaply fuel emotion) isn't feeding into any kind of "worth less than men" message. It does reinforce a chauvinistic chivalry code that treats women as more worthy of protection and that it's a

Pedophiles are very real and are capable of incredible harm that often gets swept under the rug.

While true, I don't believe that a century or so from now, or pretty much ever, are we going to find pedophilia acceptable. What occurs between consenting adults is their business, raping and abusing children will always be reprehensible. It is good that some with those urges are seeking treatment and working to keep