
The problem isn't so much the bad jokes and horrible direction and delivery of the entire show. It's that the whole debacle is a hipster douchebag's wet dream. It's like everyone and everything I don't care about all wrapped up in a tight little wad of douche-iness. Not to mention the neverending circle jerk of hosts,

Yeah, but...the r2d2 boot-up whistle!

I guess it depends on our individual perspectives. Since I don't normally buy action figures, it seems to really add up. I mean, it cost me nearly a hundred dollars to get the full experience. I've never invested that kind of money into a game before.

Skylanders surprised us all it seems. I still think it's way overpriced for what you get, but it is damn fun on the 3DS. In fact, it's my personal favorite platformer on the system. I couldn't ever fully get used to the controls in Super Mario 3D Land, but everything in Skylanders feels right, and they're dealing with

omg, a tropical mod would be something, haha. I'd consider a double dip on the PC version (currently on 360) if that happened.

Get this...Rep. Lamar Smith is the SAME guy blocking the marijuana legalization bill from getting a hearing this session. That's the 2011 bill put together by Ron Paul and now retired Congressman Barney Frank.

Good stuff. I'll give it a few more hours or so.

So then, what did this update break then? Not ready to patch until I hear about it.

Yeah, I guess I'm spoiled because the original actor really properly delivered the lines. I was more engaged by his work, even though it wasn't an actual voice actor from what I understand. Whomever it was, they seemed to understand the setting a bit more. The delivery was everything.

I'm still of the opinion that whomever originally did Wheatley's voice when P2 was first being demo'd was the best voice actor for the part. Merchant was a let down.

bahaha, even more confirmation (as if it was needed) that this show is a big, fat turd of a joke. Way to passively patronize your audience AND your guests, VGAs.

The entire VGAs are an embarrassment, what else do you expect? :P

Wow, suddenly my 1200 Club Nintendo points are looking a LOT more useful than before! Can't wait for the new rewards!

Was really hoping for swapnote and 3d flipnote, but Pushmo makes up for that and then some. This is the most addicting puzzle game that I've played in quite some time.

Anyone know the proper method for uploading our Nintendo 3DS 3D videos to YouTube in 3D?

This is probably the only game in the history of ever that I would consider double dipping on, so I'm sure I'll pick up the PC version eventually. I'm definitely excited to see what people create.

Sweet, thanks for your input. I was thinking more along the lines of re-creating areas entirely using the new (or "new") engine rather than actual file conversion, but I think you addressed both of those things. I'm on the 360, so I'm holding out hope that the first DLC will be really beefy. I'm sure it will be, but

Would it be unrealistic to think that Beth might re-create more sections of Tamriel, maybe even including Morrowind, in future DLC for Skyrim? I don't understand any of the logistics involved in development, so that's why I wonder if it's possible.

lol @ disco transitioning into rock. It's pretty much everything I've come to expect from JRPGs up to this point. :P

I was interested up until last month when Skyrim and a bunch of other games came out. Now, I have zero interest. Maybe I'll change my tune once Springtime rolls around, but by then I will be playing whatever Skyrim DLC is out and other games, so we'll see.