Good, let's try Mr. Prince in court then while we're at it. I'm sure that will go over well for him and his ilk.
Good, let's try Mr. Prince in court then while we're at it. I'm sure that will go over well for him and his ilk.
BB won't try to sneak an opened product bought as NEW into the shopping bag, hoping I won't notice or care. Never again, Gamestop. Never again.
awww, well, poo then.
I could be wrong but I think there's something in the main quest that triggers dragons to start fighting you randomly once you're back out into the open wandering around. Try finishing a few of the main quests and see if things change. This happened to me, but again, I'm not entirely sure if it had something to do…
Well....umm....there's always Dragonrend!
Now that it's basically confirmed that you can store 3D videos on the SD card, it'll be interesting to see how difficult (or easy) it will be to then transfer those videos to YouTube 3D. Here's hoping we can do this!
Nintendo has a mixed way of announcing things, but if you open the eShop, you'll see a 3D video preview there instead. Check it out, it's worth watching to see what the quality of the videos will be like. It's not bad, actually.
Should have came out earlier. I have no interest in the game right now, even though I was eye-balling it last month. Now I'm knee-deep in a whole bunch of other games that just came out.
Damn, those games actually look surprisingly fun! I wish my 3DS had more AR games.
Not unrealistic at all, especially if they charge a high premium for it. If they give me a giant new land mass, I'll love it. If they put in the effort, I'll put in the cash to play it.
This was my thought as well. It would be amazing if they did this.
It's definitely lag-free, I'll give you that. It's smooth in that regard.
I wasn't missing blades before, but I'm missing them now.
I don't like it. I'm sure it works fabulous with Kinect, but it really sucks to navigate with a controller.
Any idea what the level cap is? At my current pace, it's starting to feel like I can make the game last for an entire year.
This is my first ever Bethesda game and I'm finding that nearly every quest feels like a main quest. Maybe it's because my character isn't super powerful, but I always feel like my life in on the line, so every battle and every mission feels epic because of what's constantly at stake. That and the missions are nice…
I am, but I can hardly even think about it. Doubt I'll have that kind of money anyways. I'm nearly tapped out.
This is the first time I've skipped on a major Zelda game on launch day. In fact, I don't know when I'll get around to it now that I have Skyrim. I also have a bit of a ways to go in Super Mario 3D Land. Too many good games this month. This week is overkill for me, which is great because I'll get to those other games…
Ooooh, gettin' your sneak on, I see. Before the inevitable ball punching, no doubt. I salute your efforts.
This is why I've been playing on Master difficulty since day one. Even at level 20, I still fear dragons and run from them until I find someone or something to help me fight them. I simply can't take them on alone without dying fairly quickly, at least not as a battlemage. The challenge keeps me coming back for more…