Did you seriously just compare OWS to nazism? Isn't it a bit early for that in the conversation?
Did you seriously just compare OWS to nazism? Isn't it a bit early for that in the conversation?
Nothing liberal about being a Republican apologist. If he were ever labeled liberal, it probably wasn't by choice.
8 year olds, dude.
From what I played of the single player demo, it had an action mode as well as an RPG mode. Make of that what you will.
Hmmm, maybe that's what it was. Not sure if I could give commands or not, but I had two partners running alongside me. Some blue girlish alien and another alien dude. They followed me everywhere and fought alongside me.
It felt like a mixture of both. The dialogue that moved the story along was between combat but then there were commands and other chatter coming at me that I had to follow in order to progress the game while I fought. Not sure if that's par for the course or not.
Yeah, there was a cut-scene and then we were told to get going, so we went to another area to fight while the other aliens took off in their ship and went elsewhere. It was one gun fight after another. I shot mainly with some kind of sticky bomb gun that had a sniper scope on it. Was very useful.
Yeah, it really was a lot of fun. Sure wish I could play through it again. :P
I was in a city where I was talking to some alien dudes (never played through an ME game before, btw) and just hanging out, soaking in the scenery. There were aliens scattered about and I listened in on their conversations. There's a good bit of dialogue and the whole place felt alive, if a little bit boxed in with…
That's a good question. I didn't think to do that, but I tried to get back on just a minute ago and it said that I couldn't because the servers were disconnected. Maybe I'll try it again later offline, but I definitely couldn't get back into single player or anything else while online.
Got to play all through the entire single player demo. Some parts looked amazing. Other parts looked hilarious because of the N64-like textures and characters popping in and out, etc. etc. All in all, it was a really epic demo and I was hoping to play through it again before EA shut the servers down.
As long as you realize that you just created an argument out of thin air, we're ok.
Too little, too late. Got other games to buy now. Besides, I still wouldn't pay that much for it.
It's kind of a sad attempt at trying to be cool while maintaining his business marketing image and selling himself. The 3DS already speaks for itself and it ain't got much to say. Reggie is filler.
lol, that's pretty awesome! I can't wait to get more expansions. I'm really into this now, but ouch is it ever hurting my wallet.
I ended up stopping at Target on my way home from Toys R Us and picked up Whirlwind. He's now my favorite character among the eight that I own.
You can't jump? Then how do you get your character to jump to the floating platforms? Is it automatic jumping or something?
Yeah, we went on an entire crusade of just spreading the word everywhere (including Kotaku) and letting as many people know about it as possible. Thankfully a lot of people came to our aid by making posts wherever there was a review, letting people know that it was stolen and where to find the original game.
Sure, here's a couple of sources for a game my wife worked on as an example:
Apple was notified several times about several stolen games in their store and they NEVER did anything about it. They never investigated it. Nothing. Not saying the same will happen for Nintendo since they're more high profile, but Apple will sit and do nothing if they feel like it.