
I'll have to remember not to purchase any of their games. I don't support this kind of crap in the workplace. You don't work people until they're nearly dead. Quality of life matters more than quality of product. Anyways, I've been there and it's hell and I don't wish it upon anyone else ever.

Count me in. Just a little bit of cannabis puts me right in the zone when I'm gaming, whether I'm playing something intense like Left 4 Dead multi-player with a bunch of strangers or chilling out with a game of Flower by myself. Just one or two hits is all it really takes to help me relax and focus on the task at

Then who would you work with when/if everyone takes your advice and quits?

Ah, good. I was on the fence with this game but now I know I'm not going to be getting it because this kind of nonsense makes me sick. Corporations are increasingly becoming less liable for their unethical business practices and I choose not to support them because of that fact.

I wouldn't expect anything to happen instantly either, but given the overwhelming amount of evidence on our side, there's no way it should have taken as long as it did.

Of course not, but if I was selling stolen goods, I'd be pretty swift about "looking into it" as my #1 priority. We all had this figured out yesterday morning. Now it's another day and it's STILL sitting in their store for sale. What kind of priorities does Apple have when it comes to dealing with situations like this?

They're back to selling it again! $.99 this time, presumably to make as much as they can before Apple removes it??

Who's "they" that you're referring to and what's your point?

It was selling for $1.99 at one point and again at $.99. They were indeed making money directly from game sales and also most likely from advertising and possibly other sources as well.

They, in fact, were planning such a version. Not only that, but PTT stole my wife's music without her permission, so they're selling IronHide's assets and hers without a license or ownership of either property. That's money out of everyone's pockets but PTT's, who only sit back and collect money (it was selling for

Still no word on whether or not it's being sold separately? You know, for those of us who already bought all the crap Nintendo wanted us to buy, including the Wii MotionPlus attachment. I'm not buying more controllers. No thanks.

They sub out software to other companies most likely. Either way, Ram worked for Encom, as was seen in the first movie.

You are incorrect, this is the gap filler between Legacy and a 3rd possible movie. You hear Ram and Tron talk about Sam taking the the company back and what comes next. Tron even asks Ram to come aboard now that they have the company back in their hands. You obviously didn't watch the video if you missed all of that,

Why is Sony known more for its contempt for its customers than for doing any actual innovating or you know, releasing more games that would make purchasing a PS3 worthwhile in the first place?

hahahaha, that is awesome.

Geez, people need to lighten up. It's a fun commercial. It's a joke. Stop taking everything in life SO SERIOUSLY!

Their art style is really ho-hum. I hope they do something different this time around with everything. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. At least it'll be in 3D and be powerful enough to kick some ass. They just need to do something different with it. They certainly have the best tools.

awww, not enough love for Legacy. I thought it was a great and fun movie. I can't wait to see it again and again. A 3rd movie would be great! I hear there might even be a teaser for it in the blu-ray for Legacy. I hope that's true.

Valve really owns the zombie genre on my 360 and has for some time now. Not sure if this will live up to L4D's awesomeness, but I'm interested in learning more about it.

The best part is that I've had the same PS2 for nearly 10 years now and still running. Combine that with my BC PS3 and I'll likely be able to play my PS2 games for years to come. Love that console. <3