

dance, box, dance!

If you spend $11000 on a car wash, then you're an asshole.

So, is Samus a boy or a girl? I can't tell anymore.

Back off, man! Don't make me use this thing!

Team Ninja has yet to produce a game I like. I don't care for their style at all and have been saying all along that Metroid M will be a disaster compared to previous Metroid games. So be it.

@Chicken: I always appreciate the confirmation.

@enlargedhousecat: Nah, you're just one of the few who doesn't feel like they have to bitch about everything, even when you have the option to ignore something not worth bitching about.

@DoctorEcks: Agreed. Fuck hipsters. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that. 3D is awesome.

@ninja_togo: Oh good, then maybe he'll get my message.

"No more inflated ticket prices and no need to buy a new TV for a feature no one ever really wanted?"

@whmr: A-men, brother. It takes time, but these guys will get over themselves eventually.

@dvddesign: Monsters Vs. Aliens did it better than any 3D movie I've seen. Of course, it was made by people who actually care about making 3D look good.

Sorry, but that guy just looks like an asshole. "It's so hip to hate 3D!"

@Booji-Boy: Not really.


I've never had a problem with 3D or any brightness issues on IMAX screens. I did have brightness issues on smaller screens, but only for certain movies. Up looked excellent in 3D on a smaller screen, for instance.