dance, box, dance!
If you spend $11000 on a car wash, then you're an asshole.
@7ruthslayer: "it" works for me
So, is Samus a boy or a girl? I can't tell anymore.
Team Ninja has yet to produce a game I like. I don't care for their style at all and have been saying all along that Metroid M will be a disaster compared to previous Metroid games. So be it.
@Chicken: I always appreciate the confirmation.
@enlargedhousecat: Nah, you're just one of the few who doesn't feel like they have to bitch about everything, even when you have the option to ignore something not worth bitching about.
@DoctorEcks: Agreed. Fuck hipsters. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that. 3D is awesome.
@ninja_togo: Oh good, then maybe he'll get my message.
"No more inflated ticket prices and no need to buy a new TV for a feature no one ever really wanted?"
@whmr: A-men, brother. It takes time, but these guys will get over themselves eventually.
@dvddesign: Monsters Vs. Aliens did it better than any 3D movie I've seen. Of course, it was made by people who actually care about making 3D look good.
@ninja_togo: Actually, I don't.
Sorry, but that guy just looks like an asshole. "It's so hip to hate 3D!"
@Booji-Boy: Not really.
@Booji-Boy: Patent pending.
I've never had a problem with 3D or any brightness issues on IMAX screens. I did have brightness issues on smaller screens, but only for certain movies. Up looked excellent in 3D on a smaller screen, for instance.