
@Sofo: I think I actually did all those things. More specifically, we played lots and lots of Ladybug on the Coleco.

@Orionsaint: 35 here. Likewise. Cool, so, wanna go see Tron and then come over to my house after to play with my dad's TI-99? We can play Munch Man.

Constantly being improved? So...I guess I'll stay away then until they have it fixed?

@Orionsaint: Wow, does that take me back. I believe I was about 8 years old when I used to get those from the ice cream truck that came around the neighborhood. Good times.

I'm still not convinced that I'd even want one of these things. Every demo I've ever seen looked buggy and laggy as hell. Why bother?

@senad: You noticed too, eh?

So it begins...

Judging by the video, I'm not sure I like the sound effects. They're too harsh and not nearly as subtle and soft as the visuals appear. But maybe that can be adjusted. Looks semi-interesting anyways.

They definitely nailed the instensity, atmosphere and overall feel of the original movie. This is pretty much as close to the real thing as I'd hoped a Terminator game would be. It's kinda sad that we haven't seen anything like this come from a publisher with bucketloads of money. With the right polish, this could be

Ah, the endless summer of 2002, the year I moved to Florida. I bought this game and spent all summer AND fall enjoying summer-like weather and playing this game to death. I'd give almost anything to travel back to that time. I was much more care-free back then. *sigh*

@Smash_Bro: He's a "supervisor" now. Supposedly he created a few songs for the game, but that's about it.

With the dpad that low, we're guaranteed that the slider pad will be the default controller for most games, if not all games. I hope it works well.

"Kid Icarus Uprising sounds like the Nintendo 3DS's best candidate for a Warhawk-like dogfighter. "

That's pretty neat.

Well, I never honestly expected ALL games to be in 3D you know. Did anybody? I just assumed there would be those who make them and those who don't. It's not like anyone's twisting their arm over it.

Yawn. Every time someone spills milk, we should ban milk.

@SideCH: You're right that it must be difficult to solve the boring line waiting problem. I complain about it, but haven't come up with a solution myself.

@lilsamuraijoe: Agreed, but only because I prefer thrill rides anyways. Still, I always long for new experiences.

@mrpibb79: haha, I'm glad you made France the unpopular one. It's only fitting.