
You want him to die? I don’t.

Shit has happened. There is natural disasters in Louisiana. We are having floods and mudslides in California (people have lost their homes and some their lives) Trump. Not even a mention of either one from his tweets. But you know, Nordstrom doesn’t want to carry his daughters bullshit clothing line because it

Ive found myself physically ill and depressed far too often since his inauguration

“We didn’t dispatch FEMA to the earthquake zone because Obama forgot to leave the keys for their minivan.”

Yeah, that will work.

The funniest/saddest thing is THAT’S WHAT HE CAMPAIGNED ON!!!

He’ll just blame it on someone else. The media, the judiciary branch, Obama, the left.

It’s crazy! Republicans have been trying to ‘run goverment like it’s a business’ FOR YEARS AND ALL WE GET IS GOVERNMENT THAT DOESN’T WORK. Which, obviously, is their intention. So they can go back to their constituents and say, ‘See? See? Government doesn’t work, we gotta run it like a business!’

He thinks it’s hard now, wait until something actually happens somewhere he has to deal with, and not just the fallout from his helpless tiny handed flailing around.

On second thought maybe Hillary Clinton would have made a better president. I have spoken.

You forgot terrorism, to call it a fake news story, and to blame her for being a woman.

FAKE NEWS! Donald Trump is not a cab driver!

New Rule: Empathy Is A Criminal Offence