
In the late 80's, I purchased a similar but larger Lincoln Continental Coupe. It was owned by an elderly couple and had somewhere in the 50k range for miles. The car had sat for 2 years, due to failing vision, and was in need of some repairs. I purchased the car for $500 and put another $600 into it, most of which was

Okay, I’ll be the looney one today and give it a NP.

No, it was stored until the owner died and then picked up at an estate sale by the dealership.

Okay fuk it. NP and this is why.

I voted NP. I wouldn’t buy it, but that’s mostly because I was born in the early 80's and spent a large portion of my formative years in Stuttgart, so cars like this don’t appeal to any sense of nostalgia. But, to someone who wants one of these cars, I would imagine they’d be willing to spend the extra to have one as

This car is awesome. It’s a time capsule to my youth. It’s also overpriced.

As a collectible museum piece it’s a nice, clean example...that example being of a late 70's American car industry that clearly lost it’s way and I’m sure there’s a nut somewhere that will pay close to this to remind him of his Dad or something, but it’s gotta be CP to most everyone else out there who has even a clue.

Why does this car exist?? I didn’t click any links but if there’s a story behind it I wish it were relayed here.

I voted NP because anyone who preserves a car this well, even a goofy-ass 70's Mercury land yacht, deserves to be rewarded.

I like a red interior but red on red is a little to much for me. Not even rose colored glasses would help this.

I prefer the coupe and wagon

They were very decent cars in their day.

I voted “Nice Price” on this one, but I’m way too biased. I’m a huge Mustang Fan. Now, I’ll admit that there are only two things that are good about the Pinto-based Mustang...the steering setup (which is why you see it retro-fitted into the classic ‘stangs & the fact that it at least kept the Mustang name going

This is the only Mustang II worth owning. If the paint was original or at least better, this would be a lead-pipe cinch. As-is I give it a conditional NP, assuming the body checks out in person.

Good Lord! Did J.J. Abrams take this picture?!?

Recent prices on Cobra IIs and especially King Cobras are all crack pipe, but within that market, this price seems fair.

I’m voting Nice Price but I have no idea why. I just like it for some reason. Now I need to go put on a fresh wife beater, shotgun Milwaukee’s Best, blast some Garth Brooks and sit on my porch while bitching about Obama at 8:30 AM. (What have I become? What is to happen to me?)

I should let people know a few facts.

inb4 SALT WATER CARS! RUN! RUSTY HELL HOLE! You’ll be driving to work and hit a bump and the rusty strut tops will be stabbed through the top of the hood!

It would be nice to have a car like this that is a blast to drive, and, with typical Honda reliability, not a maintenance nightmare. The fact that it’s been slapped around a little and therefore no longer pristine just means less to worry about.