
How are you leaving Twin Peaks off of here!?

They have suffered indeed, but I think because of that they had to make a drastic change. This seasons story line was dreadful save for the weird inter dimensional stuff, which is where I think they will focus predominately this next and likely final season: the lore and mythology of the show. Not sure if you were a

SLEEPY HOLLOW LIVES. Get over Beharie leaving the show.

Fucking bloodbath over at ABC

Brutal recap loss! This is easily the best pure Science Fiction show on TV currently. Hope that decision is reversed as you've done a killer job with unwinding the epic lore. Thanks for the posts to this point!

BRO. Me like.

Jon Snow's death is a simple narrative device. His Watch only ends upon death, he had to die to simultaneously fulfill his oath and the prophecy seen by the Red Woman. When Ned and Rob died, their bodies were immediately dismembered, Neds Head was on the pike and Rob's wolf's head attached to his body. Snow is fully

Ah yes, my lifelong battle with the semicolon continues.

I think everyone needs to chill out. The Abbey/Crane relationship was honestly a once in an era pairing of actors and writing. Phenomenal. And it's sad to see it go.

I'd catch up. And I wouldn't be too quick to judge the entire show based on an actress's wish to be removed from the show. Not sure what kind of SciFi viewer you are, but for me this show in a way replaced Fringe for me. The back half of this season is the Fringiest thing I'd seen in a long while and I liked it. If we

"Im pretty sure chickens give live birth, like sharks" I was in fucking tears.

Halo 5. It always nice knowing that for every no0b that perishes on Thanksgiving there is a chorus of cousins mocking them for their failure in the background.

For sure, but at this point on the viewer knows they are zombies!

You're missing my point. If you went outside with a friend right now and your neighbor was walking around looking extremely ill, would you seriously be ok with your friend driving a hammer into their head? Until *all* of these characters have the same knowledge of the situation as we and the author do, how can we

I think the author is being a bit harsh on Travis. And I believe you are viewing this through a TWD lens. I would be mortified if my wife took a hammer to the neighbors head in any state. Once I obtained the knowledge of a full blown pandemic I'd be less unwilling to change. But right now this is new to these people,

Not sure if anyone else noticed but when Fet had Kelly in the rear naked choke with the rebar, I could have swore some of those worms were on his hand. Also, in the final scene when he was getting all cozy with Dutch and her chick in the street, his eyes looked super blood shot. Pretty sure we have some sadness coming

If Matthew McConaughey had been in this same shootout saying some weird existential shit when people died this review would have been an "A-"; this show has lofty expectations and I get that. But anyone discrediting that shootout is nuts, every cop series has them eventually and this one was handled with class and

The Walking Dead "After"