Don’t forget his partner killed a man in a traffic accident while he was drunk.
Don’t forget his partner killed a man in a traffic accident while he was drunk.
Denial has it all over meth.
I just literally facepalmed. My god.
I’ve been using the Toddy cold-brew system for more than ten years now, and it’s spoiled me for hot-brewed coffee (except for espresso). Aside from replacing the stock carafe with a Frigoverre pitcher that has a handle, making it more convenient to hold, it has been working well for me; it produces a larger batch than…
I’ve been using the Toddy cold-brew system for more than ten years now, and it’s spoiled me for hot-brewed coffee…
But why now? Why This Sperm?
OZONE! Yes, this is a thing, and yes, I could totally smell it when I was pregnant. I could smell EVERYTHING, which meant we had to switch everything in the world to “unscented” because I couldn’t deal with any of it. Nor coffee, my one true love. I could drink it okay, but the smell was trying to kill me.
We called the one in my home town Six Flags Over Jesus. It’s across from an outdoor mall now, and they’re the same damn size!
Those are AMAZING. As a Mainer I’m extremely into those flannel deer ones haha.
Even thermoses?
Condo boards and parent-teacher associations are where NIMBY helicopter parents and other sanctimonious meddlers go to indulge their autocratic fantasies.
I wonder how the monogrammed thermos business does around this time.
I haven’t announced this to my family yet but I’m bursting with excitement and anxiety and nerves so I just have to tell someone
I live in DC and work not too far from the Hill. Every year I see this invading infestation of assholes for this march. What upsets me most are the children I see - ones who are clearly to young to have made up their minds on an issue, who are being used as political props. And then on a much more practical level,…
Agreed. I felt pretty gutted the first few days of this week, but I think listening to his music has helped me a lot, even though at times it hurt. I listened to Blackstar a few times last Friday, but listening to it on Monday was so different. It was like “oh god, that’s what he mean’t by this.” I just feel so…