
A shitton of people should go to jail over this but I’m having a hard time coming up with a fitting punishment for Nassar that doesn’t involve something out of Se7en.

“Judge me by my size, do you?”

Shit, I want to star both comments but it sucks that you are right.

The one that leaves its veterans homeless and destitute so they have to rely on random strangers for even a bare minimum of an existence?

This is the America I know and love.

Maybe they hired him because of the Staph he would bring with?

Instead, the company paid hackers $100,000 to delete the data and keep the breach quiet.

Given the state of water pipes in the UK, crossing sticks at almost any random spot will locate a leak.

I know. We were amazing with him. Lots of early playoff exits.

That efficiency is staggering.

As a Clippers fan, I’m glad Paul is gone. He’s a crybaby who whines constantly. Blake and his fake tough guy act have grown tired. I’m glad he has developed a three point shot, but he’s using it way too much. Jordan is fun to watch, but he isn’t taking us anywhere. We’re screwed.

I wonder how much he put on them.

Just because you’re not wrong doesn’t mean you don’t sometimes give in, it’s called being considerate of other people. It’s your right not to but that’s not even what I’m arguing. I’m arguing against attack the Sheriff for simply trying to get in touch with these people to let them know about the public anger about it.

Sounds to me more like the Sheriff is saying “we’re getting a lot of fucking phone calls about this and it’s annoying. Can you just be a good neighbor and take it down so all these people STFU and leave us alone”.

This may be the first truck I have ever seen with an anti-Trump sticker.

Here... have an Ambien.

Something...something... thick skin.

I don’t think they are trashing him here.

Rick and Morty? He needs to watch The Venture Brothers.
