
Uh, that’s not how nerves work.

So if a guy pulls a gun on you and shoots to kill but misses you wouldn’t be upset or call the cops because you didn’t get hurt?

“And their jobs? Jesus dude. They’ll continue to get modeling gigs.”

In other words models lack intelligence, skill, and creativity.

And women escorting actors onstage at awards shows in evening gowns.

Yes. Also let’s get rid of the women in lovely evening gowns escorting actors and such at award shows too. They re a blight on humanity.

Has anyone asked even one former grid girl what they thought?

I assume the rule book also says a shove in the back as the inbound shot goes up is also legal?


First of all, fuck Trump and if you voted for him, fuck you too.

Did you get paid by the word or just a lump sum?

So if a soldier needs this for mental health which it seems is ultimately why it was covered, are other surgeries covered for similar reasons? Like plastic surgery for congenital facial deformities which are leading to social anxiety/depression? Not trying to be snarky or anything, legitimately curious.

This. Or does everyone assume that every plumber, mechanic, babysitter, etc. that gets paid in cash declares it on their taxes? Hell no they don’t.

The previous little split rear wing winglets still look cooler.

Don’t get me wrong, it absolutely sucks and I feel very sorry for him as well but you make it sound like he died penniless

Thanks and good effort, but you’re incorrect in about half of what you typed man.

I don’t know, it doesn’t take a genius to recognize a screaming man with an improperly pointing ankle. I kinda think they’re a bunch of sissies.

Hard to say exactly what the passage of time on the video actually was but he was blue almost immediately. Also can’t know for sure if the medics were on top of their game but they aren’t doing compressions yet which would be the case if there were still a pulse. Cardiac activity but unresponsive and blue superiorly

<slow clap>