
It should come down to a reasonable test. What is reasonable? If you ask Joe Blow off the street if Lewis Hamilton actually owned that jet, he would look at the situation and say yes. If you asked Joe Blow off the street if there is any reason that multiple companies are created and the jet is rented to the same guy

Everyone does this regardless of income levels, it just looks more obscene because all the numbers get much bigger. I’m able to shed a few thousand a year with smart deductions that are perfectly legal, and I guarantee that anyone here complaining would do the same if you had his money. These articles are beyond

A cup of milk has 4 times the calcium of a cup of broccoli per the chart above. Who had the intestinal fortitude to eat that much broccoli? And if you do, please don’t go near any open flames.

So, in retrospect how do you think this went for you?

“Truther is a moronic pejorative.”

Can I just lick the Chia seeds off the head of the Rand Paul Chia Pet in the foyer? Because continuity or something.

Literally one of those foods that has more calcium than milk is edible in the listed serving size.

Herring is only food during wartime

Well I’ll be goddamned, why didn’t anyone tell me before now that I could get my daily calcium intake from fourteen mouthfuls of sesame seeds

Wow HamNo for someone who pretends to have a basic understanding of nutrition you’re really going to ignorantly shill for the dairy industry?

i dunno man i think the easiest one is sesame seed

I’m with you. Nothing tastes better on cereal than a nice big pour of winged beans.

Because who the fuck is going to eat half a pound of bok choy every goddamned day? A glass of milk in the morning or with cookies at bedtime or after a good workout is incredibly easy AND delicious. Of the items you listed, only almonds and orange juice are something people might have every day and the OJ has WAY more

Oh yes. My brother still has a glass of milk with his dinner. He’s a very ‘meat & potatoes’ kind of guy.

I didn’t know there were milk truthers.

Yes but Robert Redford has to move very slowly across the room or the alarm goes off.

Newbies DO NOT need a 214 hp bike in thier lives.
Bad newbie. BAD.

As a certified online deadspin replay official:

Why do referees always look like they’re escorting each other onto a ballroom dance floor when they walk beside each other

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