
Nope. Zuck’s VR tour of Puerto Rico isn’t worse than this pathologically narcissistic display of repugnant self congratulation.

I think he just did it out of curiosity. Everything he removed is easily re-installed. To lose any serious weight he’d be making permanent modifications.

Same here for 2 tenths I will stay comfortable and not waste so much time removing stuff. I wonder what it’s time would be with all the auxiliaries running, running in the 10's with the AC blowing would be a fun way to drag race.

That’s nowhere close to what I thought it would run...

Well done!

Fuck you Baltimore City Council. You want to fix the problem? Fire the BAD COPS! Fire every cop that supported there misconduct and helped to cover it up! Then promote who is left. Yes there are good cops and there are a few bad ones. But until you make examples and FIRE THE BAD ONES. They are still there to be BAD!

I wouldn’t give Judge too much credit. I’m pretty sure this guy was using the force.

Odd, because when my balls are blown it normally causes me to go long.

As I said mere seconds ago in the other post, I love that the two claiming to be October Ready are by far the least so in the entire picture.

The pool reporters were not allowed out of the transport vans at the stadium because this was a planned PR stunt and the logistics folks knew VP would be leaving ASAP

Annnnnd I’m sure all of this was planned. What a fucking idiot.

Pssshhh...that’s nothing. I drove a double-clutch once, and you better believe it, I earned that extra point on my license.

Back...and to the left...

If you care about A/V quality, why aren’t you subscribing to the plan with 4K streaming?

What about “Gattaca”?

...and they seriously missed the boat by not grabbing a young Clive Owen back in the day!

Hate to break it to you but Elba’s what 44-45 ?

She’s the most talented, whipsmart, fearless sports presenter to come along since who knows when.
The first time I saw her on TV, I actually called people to tell them to turn on the show.
Even if they don’t have any actual ideas they could just reboot Garbage Time on a channel that people are watching.
Katie’s like a

*rolls eyes* Great another internet financier. Have you ever heard of the Glossom-Bogar Effect? How are you going to keep the Gladus curve in nominal alignment? Everyone is all like “Oh why don’t we just let people work for money to buy things!” I didn’t go to the Xavier School Of Magic Finance for nothing you know.