
My racist grandmother called black men “nigger men” and apparently when I was 9 she didn’t talk to me for MONTHS because I basically shut her down something to the tune of “that’s racist and we don’t say that word.”

I don’t think anyone’s been insulted by being called a mick in about 75 years. You wanna see a white man get all pissed by a label? Call him a racist.

Whew! I’m so glad he feels ok about using a racial slur on live television. I was really worried. Wouldn’t want him to be embarrassed or anything, right? /s

In Rep King’s case, I’d say “the fat fuck at the end of the bar”, not Mick.

“ I was quoting the guy at the end of the bar who needlessly offends...

Bet he was just dying to find a way to work the word chink in there. Next time I guess.

He must have been so pissed that we don’t have a go-to slur for Korean people.

you guys you guys you guys. Didn’t Olivia Wilde say she got passed over for the Wolf of Wall Street role because she was “too old”? Man this whole thing shows how fucking stupid and ageist Hollywood is, because if this is true, Margo and Olivia are nearly the same age.

Catherine Zeta Jones has been in her mid-40s for the last 15 years.

I think we should all keep our mouths shut and delete this post. Girlfriend’s got *maybe* a few years before she’s too old to play “wife” to the likes of Liam Neeson, Tom Cruise, etc.

You’re only as old as you feel!!!

That Margot Robbie was a 23-year-old actress in 2008 and a 25-year-old actress in 2016 could mean one of two things: either she’s only aged two years since the first Sex and the City movie entered theaters, or she’s 30 years old, soon 31.

An autistic kid can be awesome or be an asshole or both, just like regular kids. But a dead kid is a dead kid. Source: proud mom of a mostly awesome autistic kid.

It just always confuses me that people would rather their children get potentially deadly diseases than be autistic. It’s like autism is the biggest boogieman in the world, but death is ok. Everyone in this class should be forced to see pictures and videos of children suffering from the diseases, they should have

Yes, but it’s maple syrup instead of coconut oil.

I guess you didn’t hear about the parents in Albert whose kid died because they didn’t believe/trust modern medicine. He had bacterial meningitis and could have been treated and most likely cured.

They’re just more polite about their ignorance.

I mean, I fully support this, but good god is it fodder for the “reeducation” conspiracy theorists out there.
