i’ll make my own way there, thanks.
i’ll make my own way there, thanks.
Zipper merging is great for low to medium speeds. Like when two lanes merge on an on-ramp. THe issue with freeway lane closures is people use every single last inch of the ending lane to finally put a blinker on and move over. On a 70mph freeway, to keep traffic moving at 70 means we’d need to start this maneuver way…
The one that really gets my blood boiling is when people are too scared to pass a tractor trailer.
It’s also curves in the freeways. If it’s not flat and straight, people have no clue what to do.
Yeah, I really don’t understand why so many people have issues with hills while driving.
Part of the freeway near me is a giant hill called “The Grade”. Going down is worse than going up because everyone will do 5 or 10 below the speed limit (and then speed up at the bottom. Friggin weirdos). Last night it was atrocious: all 3 lanes had people doing 50-55 (speed limit is 65). I had a long day at work and…
People like that should be dragged out of their vehicles and executed in front of the other motorists.
I’ll take a dude sipping on 1 beer over 99% of the idiots on their phones/tablets/pokemon/makeup/autopilot/sleeping/setting off fireworks/ etc... any day of the week.
Nowhere, but at approximately 5:10 in the PM i’ll be balls deep in it.
Traffic is caused by the scaredy-cats and pussyfooters who hold everyone else up because they’re being so cautious. If people didn’t drive so slowly then we wouldn’t have jackasses trying to pass everyone. It’s a simple cause and effect scenario.
No, traffic is caused by epic fucksticks who dont know shit about driving or living in a society.
It's meant to be read in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson.
Something Something Blinkers don’t work...Something Something Tire Pressure....
I remember doing duck and cover drills in school but only because it gave me a prime view of Holly Lance’s sweet ass.
So it doesn’t need gas, obviously!
You’ve just reminded me of how much I miss Junkyard Wars.
So what you’re saying is that all four Jalopnik editors told you to Chevette?
I thought Mustangs ate people and Corvettes ate trees and poles... I am so confused now... it feels wrong or something?
Made it over the barriers meant to stop cars.
A couple of issues.