Fart Machine

Cake told me otherwise.

Definitely worth the purchase. There are a surprising number of alternative quests that you might not encounter on a first — or even second — playthough.

LET was a common command in BASIC. But you’re right: LET A=1 is functionally identical to A=1. I suppose there might have been some crazy BASIC interpreters that didn’t follow the convention of automatically treating variable handling instructions as LET instructions, but I can’t recall any that required the command.

It’s the future. We resolved the greenhouse effect by slightly lowering Earth’s gravity, allowing all the excess CO2 in the upper atmosphere to fly off into outer space. The downside is, the reduced gravity caused everyone to grow a few inches. Peter Dinklage is now normal height and his career is totally ruined.

I’ve heard Clayton’s rap-rock protest album. It’s awesome.

The “X” makes it sound cool!

The “X” makes it sound cool!

So, is it like “Jumanji” meets Noah’s Ark? Or is it more like “Speed 2" meets “We Bought a Zoo”?

“Tampons and Pretzels” is the name of my Go-Go’s cover band.

Who wuzza dog? Dog wuzza Kazak. Dog wuzza Winston Niles Rumfoord’s great big mean chrono-synclastic infundibulated dog.

Well, that ought to do it. Thanks very much, Ray.

I’d love to go to the concession stand during a Steely Dan show and buy a delicious Steely flan.

In the Tiny Benedictine University library, there is a scale model of the campus. If you take the roof off the model of the library, inside is an even smaller scale model of the campus, itself with a detachable-roof model library. If you take off *that* roof, inside is a small, venemous snake.

Jim Thorpe also can’t hold a candle to Australian Swimmer and multi-gold medalist Ian Thorpe, because Jim has been dead a long time and no longer has the grip strength to hold anything.

I’m disappointed that nobody decided to make a pun about putting out a bad sex tape. Or being a shitty boxer. Tonya’s a woman of many mediocre talents.

They all ate the same tainted matzoh ball soup on Shabbat two days earlier. And they all had unused sick leave that was coming up on a use-or-lose deadline. What did you want them to do, lose it?

“Allegedly.” We’re still waiting for Trump to release all that Area 51 info as promised. If my sources are correct, we will discover that the 9/11 “victims” have been there for 16 years, enjoying an extended spa-like vacation as honored guests of the CIA, PNAC, Exxon-Mobil, and the Illuminati.

I thought that was Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 Presidential run.

Was this headline created via Mad Libs?

Alice Cooper hasn’t managed to completely piss me off yet.