
Jop. I just came back from a stay in the high arctic and a small town where Cruise ships like to harbour had to put up “no Photo signs” everywhere and actually lock their houses, because complete strangers would bust into their kitchens and the children’s daycare centre, treating the local population like a petting

Hailing from a country with a long trdition of naked (sun) bathing I frankly do not understand the issue. It’s a normal part of the human body fulfilling one of its functions. So a little girl might see get a brief glimps of a peeing dick. Er, so what?

Really not sure where all the hate is coming from. So she’s not a great dancer. Wasn’t aware you were required to be in order to sing. The song isn’t what I’d listen to, like at all. But as a chubby I did rather enjoy All about that Bass. Seriously, can someone explain to me why people get such enormous glee out of

Errr, Hanoumatoi. Sorry. Got the commennts mixed up.

With Andromedid here. Twisted as it is, I can understand how you could encourage someone to kill themselves, while coming from a place of love, provided you genuinely believe that death is a better place than being alive. I can also totally see someone egg another person on to do things they can’t get themselves to

Because, thankfully, many of us live in societies that sanction overt displays of racism. It’s a social crime, if you will. Rightfully so. But an internet shitstorm is a pretty serious disciplinary measure that can well ruin somebodies life and will remain on the net well after the actual storm’s blown over. So I’m

Fair enough, got your point. Thanks for following up. ^^

Hmmm, not sure about this particular point. German here. We also have a much, much lower incidece of violent crime and (lethal) police violence (still happens, and there definitely, absolutely is racism in the police force. Went to school with a guy who is now working for the police. Dude’s a raging Nazi). We also

I should preface this by saying this that I am not trying to play devil’s advocate, it is genuinely something I don’t understand and could use help with. I should also add that I am German, where we had some debate about the use of blackface in theaters - but it is far from a mainstream discourse by far. My

Erm, German here. I’m quite familiar with how the Tagesschau is positioned. As much as I like to bash our not-always-all-that-independent state TV, I can’t fault a US site for using information quoted on THE German TV news outlet.

Actually, German news sources DID throw this magical number 1000 around. While the ones actually using it in their headlies are not exactly the most reputable sources (Stern, anyone?), even the Tagesschau (independent, publicly funded daily news program) quotes this number further down in one of their articles.

Hey, Oktoberfest doesn’t count. *sticks fingers in ears* Lalalal, harassment and assault? Can’t heeear yaaaa....

Okay, you know this better than I do. It still annoys the living daylights out of me that a bunch of rightwing politicians (who usually could not care less about women’s rights, would very much like to banish us all back into the kitchen, and usually very much believe it is our own fault if we get assaultet, unless,

It makes this German unbelievably nervous to watch how ideas like “marking people with armpatches” (Trump) and “Germans buy German Bananas, errr sorry, Americans” (this dude) rear their ugly, history-laden heads. If it was considered a good idea in 1930s Germany that should really be enough to give people pause, not

Since my mother is a bit of a hippie, we always had this thing about not shutting the bathroom door while in there. So, when I was about fourteen I was standing in the bathroom, naked from the waist up, playing with my hair. My mum barges in, starts letting a bath, and for some reason my uncled back catches her eye.

To make this not sound like a bunch of right wing vitriol, you might want to add that a) the right to assisted euthanasia of children has never been made use of in Belgium to date and b) no, you can most certainly not put anyone “down like a dog”. For children, the rules are strict: The request must have been approved