
I can't believe this is happening! The Supreme Court ruled that racism no longer exists in America.

At first, listening in on their conversation felt very strange. But wow, it's fascinating the way this discussion/conversation/argument goes. Sterling is incredibly good at manipulating her emotions. the first couple of minutes are just nonsensical ramblings of an old racist who doesn't understand that other races

If the population is 0, then.... WHO WROTE THAT ON THE SIGN??


China is soooooooooooo uber fucked. The last time they fucked with the environment is when they decided to kill all the insect eating sparrows and 20 million people died of starvation soon after.

Explanation does not equal exculpation. Watch that maniac's YouTube video and you'll understand. He's out of his fucking mind. At the end of the day, the criminal justice system should be about public safety rather than retribution, so rather than assigning blame/identifying culpability, we should focus on figuring

I'm not going to condescend or insult you. In my opinion you're touching on something that's going to be one of the biggest issues our society faces in the future. As we develop a further understanding of mental illness (and really, how our brains work), we're going to have to deal with a lot of tough questions

So it was their parenting that gave him bipolar disorder?

Mental illness is funny like that. When you're on meds you feel "normal" and you start thinking you're fine and stop taking them. Then it goes downhill

I don't think you understand mental illness.

Sad thing is, most people will miss her point about the lack of resources for mental health, and will just assume this is a mom covering up for her son or trying to wring sympathy out of the situation. Thing is though, I agree with her. A ton of people with serious mental illness fall through the cracks because we're

The short answer is the simplest, and the one that will get me the most shit on Deadspin: the patriarchy. Police departments are overwhelmingly male, and have been taught by a misogynist society from birth that their experiences are valid, but experiences that differ from their own are either suspicious or fictional.

My guess based on the videos, the mental health references, and his behavior, is that the only thing a "good ass-whooping" will accomplish is to add some injuries for him to recover from in addition to what appears to be a psychotic break. Not making excuses for the kid, because there are certainly lots of people in

There are probably way more people lying about being straight right now than have ever lied about being bisexual. So why is bisexuality bullshit, but someone who says they're straight is generally believed until proven otherwise?


NO. And Fuck No. They are doing this by undercutting their employees and continuing to outsource the way that they acquire their products. They do not get my business, and the organic food lovers better not jump on board the Walmart train to hell. Seriously. NO.