
You don’t understand how errors are scored.

Your edit is on point. And is the perfect explanation of the difference between a fan’s understanding of ‘error’ and a more casual observer’s understanding.

Find me one example of a similar play that was scored as an error, and then we’ll talk.

Yes. That’s clearly what I said.
I’m sorry but reasonable does not mean bending over backwards to excuse this type of behavior.
Occam’s Razor. What’s more likely... a white woman in a jewelry store in a very white part of a very white state sees a black man and freaks out, because how could he possibly have enough


You win! They were robbed by a white guy, and now they’re locking out black people.

If you need to make up events that “might” have happened...that usually means you’re side of the argument is losing.

Colloquially, sure. To anyone who has watched more than 7 baseball games, this is clearly not an error. You can’t EXPECT someone to make that catch in that part of the stadium.