I look forward to reading about this.
I look forward to reading about this.
If you have YouTube Premium, PIP has been available for months, at least on the iPad.
I don’t think there’s any reason to think that Leto’s desire to use method acting is any less genuine that Daniel Day-Lewis’s or (to put it another way) that Lewis doesn’t engage in method acting in part to generate attention. I think the difference is that Lewis is truly an exceptional actor, so we are more willing…
The problem is, he’s such an idiot, it’s hard to tell when he’s actually an idiot or just pretending to be one to cover up his crimes.
I bowed out of an argument with a slap truther on another site for my own sake. I can see why there are conspiracy theories about complicated and monumental events like the assassination of JFK, but this bullshit? Chris Rock told a shitty joke and Will Smith responded to it in about the worst possible way. It’s not a…
oh well, too bad so sad.
The Russian government complaining about being targeted by cyberattacks. Rarely in history has a “go fuck yourself” been so richly warranted.
But wasn’t the thing about that movie that people stopped aging at 25? So she was 50 but was supposed to look 25.
Look, I like to get riled up about ageism as much as anyone else, but this isn’t ageism. It’s easier to age someone up than down, even with Marvel’s CG wizardry. If she’s going to be playing the mom in flashbacks it makes sense that she will be younger and aged up in present day stuff.
Well the good news is they might literally die on this hill.
Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.
“The convoy has been heartily endorsed by Fox News personalities...”
All hail the slideshow gods! Just what a straightforward news article needs: an irrelevant slide-show presentation.
Yeah. Hopefully after the hike their drivers can be allowed to stop to use the bathroom.
“Your models are based on a set number of variables. So that means you’ve reduced the variables, which are everything, to that set. Well how did you decide which set of variables to include in the equation, if it’s about everything?”
Bullshit. Banning is misinformation on social media is paramount.
No no no no no no no no no. Nope
Hey uh these aren’t words that should go together.
100% this. It’s too damn expensive. The kinds of people that are likely to want to fix/upgrade their laptop to keep it running past the usual 3-5 year lifespan, are not the kind of people that would drop $1000-2000 on a laptop. It’s not a bad idea, bringing back some level of modularity, but this price point is a…