It’s not like it’s science fiction. Autonomous flight is nothing new... There are several companies already trying to make it a reality for consumers.
It’s not like it’s science fiction. Autonomous flight is nothing new... There are several companies already trying to make it a reality for consumers.
Autonomous flying cars
Geez... did somebody cum in your coffee? Chill the fuck out. It’s a book franchise and a tv show... not the fucking cure to cancer-aids.
Fuck. I love being Canadian (and I love other foward thinking country’s) - 12 months paid maternity leave is the standard. This time can be split with a partner upon agreement and can create paternity time (within the 12 months) as is needed. Of course that off sets the mothers time. Still very generous.
I laughed at that a lot harder than I should have.
So I’m probably going to love it. Because I loved man of Steel. It was a beautiful creative thing to watch compared to that shit show “superman returns”. Brandon Routh... that was awful casting. I think a lot of people don’t like HC because they compare him to his Christopher Reeve Klutz clark kent and over the top…
The problem with motion sickness is not just about being distracted by something else. Staring at a screen can make it worse. It's got a lot to do with mixed signals we send our brains. The movement in the car doesn't match the movement of the screen which really screws with your inner ear and your gut. This affects…
Unless you're Canadian... Because that's still not the fucking package we get.
Unless you're Canadian... Because that's still not the fucking package we get.
I thought I was still on gizmodo and then I double checked and saw it was a jalopnik article. Your comment makes sense now.
Well it’s more like... “Who the fuck are you... Get out... Oh you brought anti rejection meds? Welcome to the party brah... Etcetera.” I agree though. Science rocks!
So glad to hear I'm not the only person annoyed by the movie poster thing.
Huh? From the simplest of google searches: The scientific name for coconut is Cocos nucifera. Early Spanish explorers called it coco, which means “monkey face” because the three indentations (eyes) on the hairy nut resembles the head and face of a monkey. Nucifera means “nut-bearing. Botanically speaking, a coconut is…
Huh? From the simplest of google searches: The scientific name for coconut is Cocos nucifera. Early Spanish…
I had two of the bigger units. Gave them away when I moved. I like the herbs. The yields were good and it was great to have fresh herbs right there. The other unit I used had tomatoes. I found the flavour not as good and you have to grow a crap load of tomatoes to get your money’s worth.
I had two of the bigger units. Gave them away when I moved. I like the herbs. The yields were good and it was great…
I had my response all ready to go, but I see that Leelz answered you earlier far more eloquently. There is evolution of the language and then there is butchering the language. You can guess which one this is.
I had my response all ready to go, but I see that Leelz answered you earlier far more eloquently. There is evolution…
Yes... Except chicken wings... Are named because they ARE the wings from a chicken. Fat IS the fat of the animal. So called “hoverboards” are not legitimate hoverboards by any understanding of the English language. Only small transportation devices that float on a cushion of air that you stand on are hoverboards.
Yes... Except chicken wings... Are named because they ARE the wings from a chicken. Fat IS the fat of the animal. So…
Tha = The?
Tha = The?
The majority say “the” not “tha”. With that said the majority can also be incredibly stupid. It doesn’t hover. Period.
The majority say “the” not “tha”. With that said the majority can also be incredibly stupid. It doesn’t hover.…
Wow. Burn.
Wow. Burn.
It's not a hoverboard.
It's not a hoverboard.
Thank you for an impartial and great break down from both parties after the debates.