
if your girlfriend shrinks and expands with the pinch motion then yes...yes you owe apple money.

The patent is for multi-touch. I owned several Windows Mobile touch screen devices before my iPhone... however none of them incorporated multi-touch on a capitative touch screen. They were resistive (terrible stylus relient touch screens.) None of them were multi-touch.

Actually, this would be more convincing to my wife that I wrapped it myself.

Look up when the term "tinfoil hat" applies and re-comment. This has nothing to do with conspiracy or concern that somebody is out to get us secretly. Hacking exists. PayPal and Sony were both hacked. Your "tinfoil hat" comment makes no sense. As far as being all over the place let me simplify it for you.

I think Flatus Inspector has a better "ring" to it.

Well that's a shit job. be fair... as a long time Gizmodo reader they really flip flop on the blogger/ journalist thing depending on whether they are trying to invoke certain journalist rights pertaining to certain stolen fruit branded stollen cellphones. When they need legal protection they are journalists. When they don't want to

I can understand hacking that reveals the inconsistencies in government, unethical behaviour by those in authority meant to uphold the best interest of the people (if it does not place innocents in danger in the field.) With that said these paypal/ sony/ mastercard type hackers are a bunch of wankers. Bringing down

Yeah... I've bought Ikea furniture... Swedish products don't exactly yell quality to me either... And I'm no American.

No problem. Love your stuff. Just didn't like them getting credit for something your team had put so much time into prepping. On a side note I thought the JFL gag team was way better at its execution.

The best dressed dinosaur by far. If I was an Awkward Albertosaurus trying to impress one of the lady monstrous lizards I'd totally hit up my gay best friend dinosaur Nyasasaurus parringtoni (Who I'd just call Toni of course). He'd dress me a little metro. I'd feel uncofmortable, but it would work... The lady Lizards

Now playing

The elevator gags, including this one originated on a canadian show. Just for Laughs: Gags

When will rich people learn that making something gold just makes it look more tacky, not more expensive. Butt ugly table.

I've seen this before. I believe it to be procedure. Time aspects aside any douche who parks in front of hydrant deserves whatever happens to their ride.

I'm all for the free transmission of data, assuming you own the rights to distribute that data. If you don't own it, it's theft. I'm not talking about distributing data that brings corruption to light, but one distributing or equipping others the ability to transfer a product that does not belong to them is theft.

I kinda prefer arachnonaut

If that doesn't work see if you can go to the canadian apple store. ( just downloaded it from there.

I have a fast macbook pro with maxed out ram and 600 gig still free on my drive. itunes has been just as terrible on the mac in the past. A smelly bloated hog showing up uninvited at al my parties. Glad to see a new version.

This guys always give me a creep pedo vibe. He freaks me the hell out.

I'm not in the US. I hope anything else he brings out stays in south korea. And let's be honest he's made it "big" outside of SK ironically. Every person I've asked why they like the song the response is almost always the same, "It's so terrible it's good." Sounds like a hipster response to me, but hey, to each their