
Yes... it's honest that you should always take your iPhone to apple for repair... With that said, as this phone very well may not have been an iPhone the "Genius" at apple may look at you a little funny if you hand them a samsung galaxy whatsamacallit.

It does not specify that the phone was an iphone.

Oooo ooo. I want a star hammer. And I agree.

Since I remember that article (about whif and whaf) a really long time ago and I haven't seen those products enter the real world, I'm not holding my breath for this (or inhaling too deeply as the case would have it).

spf 1billion. That should do it.

Which war? Please expand on that a little?

Dear "The Rest of the World"

I think you are confusing building an Hackintosh from scratch and being sued and building multiple Hackintoshes from scratch and selling them for profit which goes against apples terms of use... which they are legally allowed to do to protect their product... being a business and all that. The only stories I can find believe cyber-bullying doesn't exist because YOU wouldn't respond the same way emotially the same way others have? As has been said, cyber-bullying often correlates to real world bullying and rarely exists in isolation. It's often the one extra thing...the straw that breaks the camels back. The horror of

I'm not a homosexual man, but you have some fine man-boobs (moobs...if you will). You should be proud.

Hate it. Bought a good cover (otter box) only to get home and discover the bloody thing has a freaking cutout. I don't care what my phone looks like I just don't want it to smash doing daily stuff. Leave a hole on the back of the cover and hey... what do you know... that becomes the weakest part. Stupid.

He did tell him as an uncle and not as an authority ;0)

I am not a grammar Nazi at all. I have to agree with you on this one. I hate the faux word "addicting". Makes me want to crap bricks.

Ah a fellow 33 year old asser. Good day sir. Good day indeed.

That applies to American citizens I'm guessing.

If I put you in that position. If you were in need of this blood because of my actions? Absolutely I should be legally forced to give you the blood. I do believe in the personhood of the unborn. I also believe the weakest in our society should always be protected. Personhood is properly defined by membership in the

Elijah Wood looks like a less attractive Elijah Wood. But yes, he does look like the bazaaro version.

I remember in the locker room. Kids would stare at my 8 inch wang in awe and horror. "Then they'd say... I prefer my 4 inch member anyway"

Re-read his comment. Particularly "Looks like it will take a while before the PC is finally laid to rest." ... and you would find...He agrees with your sentiments.

What you are talking about isn't so much viability (viability is a very fluid argument imho) what you're talking about is woman's rights and the lack of personhood of the foetus (baby) while it is attached to the mother. Let me address the latter first: