
I know. I may need to move further north. I need more snow.

I like seasons. Winter is definitely my favourite season, but I love going through the changes in a year. I think that's part of what I struggled with in San Diego. 1 season all year. They say it's winter in december... but not really.

Naaa... Subjective. Ice skating, hockey, snow boarding, tobogganing. The list goes on. My point isn't that winter is better than summer, merely that season appreciation is also very subjective. I over heat. I'm not an over weight guy. I'm pretty active... but I just find in summer I over heat. I can not stay cool. I

I'm always amazed by the proud posts in threads like this about how great the weather is in Dallas, Florida, San Diego... etc, etc. I know many people who hate heat, myself included. Grew up in South Africa. Hated the heat. Lived in San Diego. Hated the heat. When my world turns into a freezer it's awesome. It's like

I'll take that one Alex. What is the worst movie ever made? Easiest money I ever made.

Lived in San Diego for 2 years in Hell-cajon. That's when I realized that I am NOT a summer person. I thrive in the cold. I live in Vancouver now and I only wish it was colder. We got so little snow this year!!!

I understand and a agree with a lot of what you're saying. I think I just view things less compartmentalized. For example if we look at slavery in the south. What contributed to slaves being freed? Protests in government? People making a conscious choice that they would not be a part of the trade and spend money in

Wait. So because their are greedy corporations who aren't willing to change their business practices we the consumers should sit by and do nothing? That's like seeing a helpless person being mugged, but being unwilling to help because it's the muggers responsibility to not mug said helpless person. The behaviour of

Fair enough. I love my kindle, but every now and again I do like the feel of real paper.

Had a tivo. Loved it. My cable companies DVR doesn't compare. However I have a boxee box (because I was too lazy to build another HTPC). I must admit (when it works) it's awesome not having to remember to record shows in the first place. It may mean getting my shows later, but so what. In our home we consider that to

Although, with that said. To me the idea of brick and mortar libraries and for that matter even book stores is beginning to seem more and more bazaar to me in an ebook world. Don't get me wrong. I'm actually a library junky and a book store junky. I can spend hours in either of those places... but why even have a

As someone who owns an e-ink reader (kindle 3rd gen)... they feel nothing like staring at a computer screen. They're not paper, but they are very easy on the eyes.

or thanks for that matter

Ah... thinks for enlightening me.

Did they do it with the actual voice of Julian Assange or did they use a voice actor?

I think they would rename Greece to Milo (the modern greek word for Apple).

Nyan Cat sent in his bank account details! See it's a definite win!

Hmmmm... I trying to keep up with you, but I don't know if I can do it... I've said too much.

Yeah, but I hear if you send just one of them your bank details you'll be able to fart rainbows and piss maple syrup.

All that... and it's butt ugly.