That title is copyrighted. The SOPA fuzz insist you take it down right now!
That title is copyrighted. The SOPA fuzz insist you take it down right now!
I hear what you're saying, but with the cost of some physical textbooks, I think one may actually save going this route.
Um.... No. Perish the thought is the correct turn of phrase, but yes, they're still idiots.
"The best camera is the one that's with you." I am a photographer. I have some very expensive equipment. I don't have my pro kit with me all the time. I'm still a photographer. I used to see things and go damn, I wish I had my camera with me. Then I got an iPhone and was like "great picture" snap! The results may not…
Don't worry about those guys. Their big talk is usually to make up for something a lot smaller. They need your pity more than anything else.
I'm a guy. I love to game... However I suck big time at it. Like I'm really bad. I'll play call of duty for a bit and take 15 headshots by some thirteen year old (girl?) within the first 15 minutes. I'm pretty sure you could kick my ass. My point is that we make a ton of assumptions based on gender. Frankly it has…
No using M$ shows that he was 12 in the nineties and just never progressed passed that. Show some respect. ;0)
John Carpenter was born in 1948. The military has been experimenting with using dolphins since the 50', unless Jonny boy had this idea as a young kid. I think the military may be safe from law suit. I know.... I know, it was a joke.... but i couldn't resist.
Every coffee junky has their own preferences. I actually don't like any drip coffee. I love french press and for espresso a standard, traditional stove top espresso pot.
I prefer the projection display options for windshields. they may not be as clear, but at least if it gets cracked it's still just the price of a regular windshield to replace. Can you imagine what this would be to replace each time you get a chip?
I lived in San Diego for two years. In and out = overrated. Really don't like their burgers.
hear, hear. I'm fourth generation South African and for the longest time growing this was really the only burger choice. Anywho... Great video... Crap burgers. To me they taste like In and Out burgers ... Im now a Canadian citizen and tank goodness their are more choices for burgers.
There will always be an upgrade "just around the corner" with tech. Especially with Apple. Updated product lines are absolutes for companies to make money. Don't like products updated just after you buy them? You may as well stop buying tech now.
Why? Those who believe in creation would merely believe that these beings are created by the same God/ gods
I did. It's not waterproof. So not ideal for all situations (most?) But I love it. It has total nerd/ geek street cred. I've got the lunatic and silver nano. LOVE IT.
Yeah it is.
Awesome reply. That's all.
Didn't read the article, but I'm thinking Lite means that the part about her sneaking in was a hoax. According to the Giz headline she "snuck". Snuck sure as hell is not the same as "She had clearance." Not saying she ever said that, but then the headline here is miss-leading.
They made an American pilot that never aired. I thank the Elders of TV that this bothered version of IT Crowd never aired.
You can only measure 6 inches?