Radar Operator: Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.
Radar Operator: Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.
That would be correct. The amount of dumb crap I've gotten out of because of my kid is awesome. Of course she usually was grumpy, tired, ready for bed so... the more I think about it, even if I wanted to stay at some of those events... I couldn't anyway.
1. Loud ass babies are a part of life. You were one. We all were. Unavoidable part of life. Of course people could stop having kids (actually some people should) But if by some twilight zone scenario people did all decide to stop having kids, it would be essential for human survival at some point for people to start…
I'll be fine, I have my tinfoil hat on.
"The engineers are armed with mallets, masonry tools,"
That was my impression. His presentation wasn't bad, but the only sound from the audience was the clicks of cameras. They may as well have been crickets. And I agree... I'm bloody impressed with the KindleFire (iPad user.)
Have you ever had a pre-dream, within a pre-dream, within a pre-dream?
I thought my Mom was the biggest Luddite... then I realized I'd convinced her to buy a kindle and now an iPad 2... it's either she's getting over her tech fears or devices are becoming super user friendly and keeps her fear to a minimum.
@Sam Biddle all I ask for is even handed blasphemy across the board. A little for "Allah's sake", "Great fat Buddha's ass", "Krishna's tits" ... you could even throw in something from the ancients... Something about Zeus or Jupiter ... get creative with it. There are so many other faiths that you've missed the market…
And he'll say, "Why thank you, and I believe you dropped this knife." Which he will proceed to sink into your gut up to the handle.....I watch a lot of tv.
Yay, competition! I'm an iPad user...and damn I love things that drive forward innovation!
Dear SteveB... the reason the headset doesn't reach your ears isn't just because of your huge oversized head (I mean look at that thing, I bet it's got its own weather system) ...That kind goes behind your ears.
I like it, but I have some issues with the way it displays comments. It seems to spread it off the screen and I have to side swipe to see a full comment. It would be perfect if it wasn't for that hitch.
until it can rock 88 and take me to see my parents as teenagers I'm not interested.
I think a real hacker would hide in Chuck Norris' beard. And when he got bored with his hiding spot he would hack into Chuck's brain with his mad skills, causing him to round house kick himself in the face both destroying chuck and dividing by zero all at the same time. Hackers...what can't they do...
So... going by the stock footage image....Net Neutrality is like a very good tampon?
I already have unlimited spotify... it's called grooveshark
Thanks, that's really helpful.
I know very little knowledge on this subject. So please don't flame me... here's my question/ thought. There are high concentrations of stem cells in the placenta right? (I heard that somewhere... is that true...I guess I could google it if I weren't so damn lazy) Anyway, if Stem cells are available in the placenta...…
Phew! I was almost through all the comments when I thought... wow, nobody has thrown out any good tinder for a religion vs science flamewar. Good on you.