
Most South African dudes are Wicked Cool. And Humble.

"Hey DJ Roomba, got any good gigs lately?"

Got mine new at london drugs (on sale) for $140. That is the entry level model though and they do have one for almost $600.... but depending on the model you could be paying way more than double for this thing. Interesting side note... I originally owned one of the more expensive roomba's and when I replaced it I got


True... maybe the new iproduct is a combination of resistive and capacitive.... a guy can dream can't he ;0) Seriously though I would wet my fanboy panties for an apple tablet with the power of a macbook pro with even better drawing options... preferably with larger storage and better print options. And with software

I normally agree with everything you say when it comes to apple... this time I'm going to just slightly disagree. Touch screens before the ipod touch/ iphone/ ipad... were horrible to say the least. They were horrible because they were done wrong. Resistive touch is terrible and and using a stylus is an awful way to

Screw him/ her.... I think most of us are utterly and completely impressed. I'm not a big sport fan... but I'd pay to see that at the olympics.

Ah, apologies... I'm in the good old Canada of Eh.... In my area at least there are several service options.

I agree with fritzo2162.

I had a friend in the wine industry who really knew his shit. I once asked him for advice on a really good wine... half expecting him to direct me to some $300 merlot. He simply said, "a good wine is the one you like." I think the same can be true of music. I'm my own person and I don't need some douche critic on some

posting error

And if it's hard to get out, and dyes skin and hair it may be a way of identifying those involved later on.

I actually have no problem with his contract. There are many businesses that expect you to enter into legal agreement before you use their service...often eliminating you from doing certain things with or while using their service. I'd rather sign the contract and know that I don't have to listen to the loud mouthed

use a headline that reads more accurately?: "New Apple Store To Be Made largely/mostly/ almost completely Out of Glass."

"New Apple Store To Be Made Entirely Out of Glass"

Hey I've seen guys in the states and canada with half their asses showing.... let's just say bad male dress is an international problem.

I don't know. I think most people are relatively new to apple as a brand. They don't neccesarily know anything about the long haired jobs. The image of jobs they will identify instantly is the one on the front of the book. And if it's a good book... it well help them to discover the jobs on the back of the book.

It's a european thing... pretty common in other non-north american parts of the world.

"up to six hours".... I guess it's weighs less... but really... 6 hours? For that price! My Stanley does 24 hours without a sweat. Other than it being made out of titanium I don't see how this is better.

yoghurt and doughnut. fullstop.